How to survive a grenade explosion?

Exploding grenades will deal damage with shell pieces, shock waves or damage components that are crammed inside (iron balls, metal pieces, .). Will anyone have a chance to survive when facing a grenade that is about to explode?

Certainly, every time, when watching a Hollywood action movie , you wonder: which better place to avoid an impending grenade? Is it safer to jump into the water on the ground? Today we analyze the possibility of surviving in specific situations.

Picture 1 of How to survive a grenade explosion?
Structure of a grenade

Let's first learn a little bit about hand grenades. This weapon is not too complicated, including shells, explosives and detonators. In the normal state, the safety pin holds the speculum not for the speculum to pop up, the speculum head holds the needle of the fire needle, the fire needle presses the spring again.

Picture 2 of How to survive a grenade explosion?
Mechanism of action of hand grenades

When pulling the safety pin , the tail of the fire turned on the tip of the speculum to leave the needle of the fire, the spring of the fire needle burst and pushed the fire needle into the fire particle, the fire particle burned the medicine slowly, when the medicine burned the flames into the kip. Explode the detonator detonator. The whole process takes place between 2-6 seconds, giving the person the time to hide, but at the same time giving the enemy an opportunity to flee, or even picking up a grenade thrown back.

Picture 3 of How to survive a grenade explosion?

Exploding grenades will deal damage with shell pieces, shock waves or damage components that are crammed inside (iron balls, metal pieces, .). Experiments showed that if we lay on the ground, pointing our feet toward the detonation center from a distance of at least 5 meters, the risk of being hit by the splint decreased significantly. Meanwhile, underwater resistance is much higher than that of air, so grenades, and even warheads cannot go far under water.

Picture 4 of How to survive a grenade explosion?
The bullet under the water was completely ineffective

However, the explosion grenade caused shock waves . It is easily dissipated on the ground, in the air, and when underwater, it is dangerous because the water environment is denser than the air, shock waves easily spread with high velocity and bearing that energy goes further. Our body can be seen as a balloon containing both air (lungs) and liquid (blood, water).

Picture 5 of How to survive a grenade explosion?
Shock waves are easily dissipated in the air

In the experiment with balloons you will see very well: the air cannon in the air did not deform the balloons, but the shockwave in the water clearly had no small effect on the balls. Even if no balloon was crushed, we could imagine if the heart and lungs in the human body were so distorted how dangerous the consequences would be.

This means that if the grenade explodes in the water and you are less than 5 meters away, there is definitely no chance of survival.

How to survive a grenade explosion?

So what is the answer?

If the grenade explodes on land - don't try to be a hero. Hurry up to find shelter or hidden corners, objects that cover like tables, doors. Suppose you are in a vacant position, lie down right away, point your feet towards the center of the explosion and pray for as few pieces as you can throw at you. If luckily there is a water tank and a lake nearby, the better, please jump quickly, hold your breath and wait for the grenade to explode.

In case you and the grenade are in the water, it is different. At this time, try to swim out as far as possible, or find a way to rise to the surface before it explodes.