Exploding grenades will deal damage with shell pieces, shock waves or damage components that are crammed inside (iron balls, metal pieces, ...). Will anyone have a chance to

If you dive into tropical waters near the shore, you may hear a sound like chestnut cracking when baked.

The meteorite exploded with a 2.8 kiloton energy, creating a brilliant fireball in the daytime, visible in many Russian cities.

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) uses the Pleiades supercomputer to simulate the moment an asteroid burns when exposed to the Earth's atmosphere, Gizmodo reported on June 29.

Wind and shockwave are the top assassins for humans if an asteroid is large enough to hit the Earth.

Strong winds, high pressure, heat radiation are three of the asteroid's effects when colliding with the Earth are capable of killing humans and many other organisms.

Referring to the falling meteorite, we must think of the disaster that caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. However, that is only the exception, because the meteor block at

For the first time in history, Chandra X-ray Astronomical Observatory of the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) has captured a small galaxy crashing into a large galaxy located 60 million

Russian police are verifying information that meteorite debris falls in the central region of Urals, being sold online, while scientists claim to find 53 fragments.