How to take the most radical gas-saving cars

During the price storm, gasoline continued to increase, so if you own a car, how to save the most fuel is always a concern. Stay tuned for the following article and practice it because it saves you gas quite thoroughly.

Instructions on how to drive the most fuel-efficient cars

Use air conditioner

  1. Increase the air conditioner temperature slowly and only turn on the maximum air conditioner when driving at high speed.
  2. The improper use of air conditioner in the summer will make the car consume 25% more fuel than normal.

Lower the car window

  1. When driving at a low speed, lower the windows around.
  2. When the car is traveling at a high speed, opening the glass door will increase the vehicle's wind resistance, making it consume more fuel than normal.

Picture 1 of How to take the most radical gas-saving cars
Fewer brakes test the better the fuel.

  1. Safe driving techniques on flooded roads

How to stop the car

  1. The less you use the brakes, the less fuel your car will consume.
  2. Do not speed up and brake suddenly when you need to stop. Slow down from a distance until you reach the stop.


  1. If possible, keep the cabin cool to avoid air conditioning.
  2. Parking in the shade helps reduce the amount of fuel needed to cool the car.

Transporting furniture

  1. Cut down about 50kg of luggage, you will save 1-2% of fuel.
  2. If it is not necessary, you can remove the rack on the roof of the vehicle to reduce the load as well as the wind resistance level of the vehicle.

Vehicle maintenance

  1. Regularly check the air filter, tire, car oil . as one of the simplest ways to save fuel and increase vehicle life.
  2. Vehicles are well cared for, periodically maintained on time will help you save up to 50% of fuel.

The above ways not only help you save fuel for your car but also help you protect the car is always running well and like new, moreover they are only very small tips and not difficult to implement. Always keep in mind to be able to spend your wallet for more things.