Huge roses in the universe

The two galaxies form a giant rose image which is one of the most impressive astronomical scenes of the week.

Picture 1 of Huge roses in the universe
Hubble Space Telescope captures a giant "rose". In fact, these are two galaxies attracting each other with their gravitational pull. The green "dewdrops" around the "flower" are new and very hot star clusters. Photo: NASA.

Picture 2 of Huge roses in the universe
Bassas da India is located between the coast of Mozambique and the island of Madagascar. This scene was recorded by an astronaut on the International Space Station. Due to the different depths, when viewed from the universe, the seawater around the atoll is silver, and the ocean inside the island is more shallow and blue. Photo: NASA.

Picture 3 of Huge roses in the universe
The star-forming cloud named Rho Ophiuchi (green) is located above the center of the Milky Way (white-blue blue). The photo was taken with an infrared lens of the WISE space telescope. Photo: NASA.

Picture 4 of Huge roses in the universe
Aurora appears simultaneously in both the northern and southern extremes of Saturn. This scene is recorded by the infrared lens of the Hubble space telescope. Photo: NASA.

Picture 5 of Huge roses in the universe
The giant tongue in the picture is actually an Antarctic ice mass reaching out to the sea. Photo: ESA.

Picture 6 of Huge roses in the universe
Desert dunes in Inner Mongolia, China. Photo: NASA.