Human inventions and pleasures of

In the past, these were thought to be unique inventions, pleasant pastimes, but now looking back, they are really scary .

Do you think that only people can do weird and crazy things? If so, maybe you should take the time train to reverse the past because once my father used to do many unbelievable things .

1. Sending children as sending letters - casual stories

It's a joke, but this is absolutely true. At the beginning of the 20th century, Americans sent their children by mail to be considered completely legal.

Picture 1 of Human inventions and pleasures of Picture 2 of Human inventions and pleasures of

Accordingly, they will be put in bags and move to the point they need to go like a letter.

If children do not exceed the standard, the cost of sending each time falls to about 15 cents. At that time, this service could save their parents a significant amount of money in bringing their children to school,

2. The awning cage is suspended in the sky

Population increases, space for taking care of babies is limited. So in the 30s of the last century, the sleeping cages awning in the British and American apartment complex was very popular.

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This sleeping cage will be installed outside any window. It will be connected to the window wall by a large iron frame, able to withstand a weight of 250kg and be safe from strong winds.

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Not only that, with the design of small trellis and curtain inside, he will not worry about being attacked by flies, or mosquitoes . Thanks to this invention, he will get used to the height from an early age , while helping mothers to care for and cover their children while doing something close by.

But whatever, letting this cage float in the sky is really not good!

3. Practice equipment

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How do you teach your children to practice walking? Is it easy to lift them up with your hands, step by step, or buy them a walker?

However, in September 1939, the Swiss engineer came up with the idea of ​​tying two wooden beams between his legs and the baby.

In this way, he can guide the movement of the baby. In addition, the device also has an aerial pulley to keep the child upright and balanced.

4. Radioactive toys

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In the 1950s, radiation was considered a normal thing. So it is not uncommon for mini radioactive, atomic or laboratory toys with polonium and uranium - explosives in bombs, small quantities of mines to be widely used, very loved prefer.