Impressive image of volcano on ice

Smoke, dust and steam rose from a crater at a depth of about 200 meters from the Eyjafjallajokull glacier in Iceland yesterday, causing a series of European flights to be delayed.

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The volcano on the Eyjafjallajoekull glacier, southwestern Iceland erupted on April 14, picking up huge smoke dunes.Photo: BBC.

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This is the second time this half of the mountain erupted in a short time. Geologists say smoke, dust, and tiny particles rising into the air will reduce visibility, making it difficult for airlines. From yesterday, British flights and then all of Europe to North America had to be postponed.Photo: BBC.

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The volcano erupted on Wednesday, but a few days earlier, it had waking signs, as in this photo of a Danish teacher named Kurt Christensen.

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The volcano sprayed smoke from Iceland to England.Photo taken from above from Dundee University.

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Eyjafjallajoekull volcano on the afternoon of April 14, photographed by a helicopter down from the top.Photo: Bacroft Media.

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Experts say this level of volcanic activity is 10 to 20 times stronger than the latest eruption at the end of last month.Photo: AP

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They are concerned about the risk of melting ice causing flooding. About 700 people living in the surrounding area have been evacuated to prevent floods.Photo: AP

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The British meteorological agency predicted it took several days for the smoke to dissipate.Photo: AP.

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NASA satellite images taken yesterday showed smoke from Eyjafjallajoekull volcano covering the Atlantic Ocean.