The coast of the Dead Sea in the Middle East is 400 meters below sea level. The second place is Bad Water in Death Valley, California, at 86 m below the sea.

The magical moments of nature and people around the world through the perspective of the following photographers will make you believe that life ...

Tourists flocked to Nicaragua to see firsthand the 1,000-degree lava lake in the crater.

Since launching into space in 1999, ASTER radiometer on Terra satellite of NASA's Aerospace Agency (NASA) captures 99% of the Earth's surface through 2.95 million images.

2015 is a special year for the unusual activities of volcanoes around the world. According to an estimate of about 1,500 active volcanoes, there are about 50 eruptions every year,

Cars on the roof of the mud after the mud in Brazil, the volcanic volcano in Chile or the hot asphalt for sunshine in India are haunting pictures of the 2015 environmental

Nature and people are talented artists, when both of them combine with each other skillfully, they will create ecstatic works. Please see the series of 100 beautiful, unedited

How many minerals exist on the earth known? How many lightning strikes are there globally? The moon and the earth are born separately? ... All these questions will be answered in

Passionate about the majestic scene of erupting volcanic eruptions, the Swedish geologist desperately approaches dangerous areas to capture the most impressive images.

Although causing much damage and very dangerous, but the scene when volcanic eruption also created great lighting performances.