In the future, Else Musk's Tesla Roadster can fly

The legend of flying cars will come true.

In the recent car launch, Tesla announced that in 2020, they will launch the second Tesla Roadster - a line of fully electric sports cars. If you watch Tesla from the beginning, you'll remember that this is their second Roadster. Previously, before the electric car model, Tesla had almost lived by selling Roadster cars.

Picture 1 of In the future, Else Musk's Tesla Roadster can fly
Tesla's Roadster, nicknamed DarkStar - Dark Star, was produced around 2008-2012.

This Roadster 2020 version is promised to reach speeds from 0 to 100 km / h in just 2 seconds. If so, it will surpass any supercar of 2017.

The car introduced at the end of this Semi truck launch is just the basic version, there will be an improved version that will "bring the car to a new level". This second version of the Roadster will be the "fastest car" ever produced in all Tesla products, and will also be "a gasoline-powered blow." An eloquent statement.

Picture 2 of In the future, Else Musk's Tesla Roadster can fly
"It should be said more clearly that this is just the performance of the basic version. There will be a special option to bring the car to a new level."

But how to be eloquent with Musk's next statement yesterday.

Picture 3 of In the future, Else Musk's Tesla Roadster can fly

"There is no telling that the special upgrade package of the next generation Roadster * will * allow the car to fly a short distance, but it could be .

Entirely possible. But the problem lies in the safety of this. Applying rocket technology to cars will open revolutionary possibilities. "

Yes, Musk says that the special version of Roadster, its second generation will be able to, repeating it CAN, fly a short distance.

Picture 4 of In the future, Else Musk's Tesla Roadster can fly
Roadster 2020 version, running 1,000km, must charge the battery.

The only problem is that it is a little unsafe, but it is completely feasible. Musk has always said that he wants to find other endless possibilities, such as applying rocket technology to cars.

"Mount missiles to the rear of the car, let the car fly a short distance". Sounds like technology coming out of animation.

But that doesn't mean we don't expect this to happen. Looking forward to success, as soon as possible.