Indian army invented toilet to use on mountain
The Indian army has introduced a bio-toilet (toilet) to disintegrate waste itself and without water discharge, to serve the necessities of soldiers in harsh conditions on the cold Himalayan peaks. This type of bio toilet is invented by the defense research and development agency DRDO, which is considered a breakthrough in the military industry no less than advanced weapons!

A public toilet in India
This is one of DRDO's 200 technological innovations sold to companies and poor countries through the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
Officials said in October last year, the two agencies agreed on a four-year partnership to trade military products in part from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's commitment in 2008. providing auxiliary defense technology to the masses.
"Toilet biodegradable is one of 10 DRDO products to be tracked for sale to countries and private companies ," an Indian Defense Ministry official added.
The head of the project is also the Managing Director of FICCI Technology Trade Center, Nirankar Saxena said: "Our condition is to implement any technology that is not strictly confidential for the benefit. of human".
This special toilet is derived from the initiative of a DRDO unit in Gwalior city, it works by bacteria mixing with waste in special containers, producing methane gas and water.
It initially served the Indian fighting army on the Siachen glacier at 6,300 meters in the disputed Kashmir region. The temperature of the area can be reduced to minus 50 degrees Celsius.
Experts say they believe about 5,000 soldiers are operating in cold lands after reaching a 2003 ceasefire agreement with Pakistan.
Scientist Vijay Veer from a DRDO unit said the work began 15 years ago after human waste in the melted Siachen glacier polluted other rivers.
The bacteria used in this 'mountain toilet' version were originally found in Antarctica, but the technology could also be used in the hot, humid tropical plains where the need for toilets is very necessary.
Saxena from FICCI said Lakshadweep island group needs about 12,000 biological toilets for 25,000 rupees (VND 11.5 million) for a large housing project.
Other DRDO products include heat shields for vehicles, light gates, mosquito repellents and medical kits to prevent dengue fever and chikungunya - a new disease discovered in the region. Indian Ocean islands are also caused by mosquitoes.
They also have sprays marketing plans to scare off insects or cling to affordable sweaters, fire extinguishers and body creams to keep insects away from sleep.
DRDO also hopes to develop stable heat-resistant fabric and high elastic rope. Military researchers believe they can be used to produce women's bras.
A DRDO official added: "This technology keeps temperatures stable and resilience much better than materials used in conventional bras."
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