Stunned with the luxury toilet in the Forbidden City

The concept of going to the toilet of the ancients is quite shocking, but also comes with good initiatives to address this delicate need.


The providence is actually a type of pot used to hold the delicate waste of the king and the harem, but if you call it a bit rough, it is . the potty.

It is known that the bureaucracy is not only a fictional product on film, but also associated with "real work" in the ancient royal palace. Even going to the toilet was . complicated and luxurious than you thought.

The Chinese palace believes that "delicate waste" is another version of rice - a precious food. Therefore, since that time, the topic of toileting has been very normal, can be discussed because it is an indispensable need of people. But of course, it was still considered dirty.

In the Ming Dynasty, the Qing thought that placing a fixed latrine would cause "loss of beauty" and a foul smell.

Anyhow, "sadness" is always there and must be solved! That is when the bureaucracy appears to help the digestive system as well as the excretory system of the noble royal family.

Picture 1 of Stunned with the luxury toilet in the Forbidden City
Some "designs" of rooms in the ancient palace.

By the time of the Empress Dowager Empress, the bureaucracy was highly respected, crafted and saved in many graft records.

According to the description, the Queen's chamber is made of sandalwood (light yellow wood, fragrant smell, dubbed "green gold" because of its high value). Its shape is like a large lizard.

The lizard's four legs are 4 soles. The animal's mouth is wide open to hold . the scroll. Its tail curls into a handle. The lizard head looked back at the lord who was "riding" on it, his eyes bright because they were crafted from two rubies!

Picture 2 of Stunned with the luxury toilet in the Forbidden City
Items used to store waste from the bureau.

In particular, the lizard belly will contain delicate waste, including wood chips. When used, "products" will be buried in wood chips, so users will not see unclean objects or inhale any bad smell.

Ancient toilet paper

Every time I give the room to be a female bow - to be able to watch over again . play relay relay, triathlon. The person who conveys only the person who arranges the tool, the person who pulls the curtain, helps the Empress to take off her clothes, wash her hands . All are fast - compact - fast in accordance with the need of the problem!

Besides, the issue of toilet paper is equally amazing. The female palace will cut a large piece of paper, then use a mouthful of water to spray on it, which must be sprayed lightly and evenly like . the foggy sky.

After that, the paper was ironed twice with an iron iron, just to clean it and create smooth and smooth smoothness, making Thai Queen satisfied.

Picture 3 of Stunned with the luxury toilet in the Forbidden City
Toilet paper in the ancient palace.(Illustration).

After the Queen Mother or the other owners went to the toilet, the eunuch took the room out of the palace with a certain respect, holding it high with both hands. Next, the delicate waste, whether it is the owner or the servant, periodically removes it from the palace.

Later, when King Priyi - the last emperor of China - left the Forbidden City, he also carried the bureaucrats, thus making it more popular with the masses.

Those "bureaucrats" are still kept at some museums or personal collections. You may find it funny, maybe a little embarrassing when it comes to rooming, but it's a really cool and useful initiative anyway, isn't it?