4 periods of heavenly action in the Forbidden City

The Palace has always been strictly guarded and thought to be inviolable, but over 500 years of existence there have been many heavenly projects in the Forbidden City.

It is also known as the Forbidden City which is the national political center of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties . It is extremely guarded and guarded with high walls, deep trenches and a thick layer of defensive layers. But in more than 500 years of existence, this place still happens a lot of people like to break into, steal, fire, prohibition, even the common people still mix into the palace.

Picture 1 of 4 periods of heavenly action in the Forbidden City
Try the Palace - Try the Citadel.

The Forbidden City is the place where the emperor lived , in addition to the palace eunuch and the new kings of the gods were allowed to enter and others could not enter. Even during the Qing dynasty, it was limited for the great king to enter the Forbidden City. As usual, there are 6 types of people who can go into the Forbidden City. If it is a man who has 'Mister' (a coalmaker) who gives coal and fuel to the palace, the person who supplies flowers to the palace and the soldiers to clear the snow are three types of men who can enter the Forbidden City.

Women who have a nanny provide milk for princes, princesses, and wives who are skilled in medicine, good at acupuncture and midwives who can directly go to the Forbidden City. But these people are only allowed to enter a certain specified place and at a specified time rather than arbitrarily come in and out. This proves that it is only a distant dream for ordinary people to enter the palace. However, in the history of several hundred years of existence, the Forbidden City of China has a period of extremely forbidden periods.

Picture 2 of 4 periods of heavenly action in the Forbidden City
A corner of Ngu Hoa Vien in the Forbidden City.

1. The moral conviction blends into the palace of prostitution with the female palace

In the Ming Dynasty, many emperors worshiped religion, so the society had many Taoists. There are a number of Taoists who have taken advantage of this gap and tried to blend into the palace. In the 12th year of Minh Hien Tong's reign (ie 1476), there was a believer named Ly Tu Long who used the wrong path to fascinate people. I don't understand what he explained, but the eunuchs and the female palace all respect him as a holy god, so he often seeks to lead him into the palace.

Even the eunuch even led him to take a scenic tour of Mount Van Tho (now Canh Son). At that time, there was a female palace in the palace who dreamed of being the king of the almonds to bring a long pregnancy, so she invited Ly Tu Long, the great master, to do the magic. After the demonic false gods had sex with this lady. This went on in the palace without anyone knowing until the believer was arrested. He, along with many eunuchs, was beheaded in front of a large number of exemplars.

This made Minh Hien Tong feel anxious for the safety of the palace. He felt that the defending force and the patrol force of Dong Xuong were inadequate, so they set up Tay Xuong . At the same time cut the eunuchs close to Uong Truc to dominate Tay Xuong. Because of that, this eunuch man, Uong Truc, disturbed the tide. From this story, it was found that the palace ban and discipline of the Ming Dynasty were relatively chaotic.

Picture 3 of 4 periods of heavenly action in the Forbidden City
Ngo Mon Gate in the Forbidden City.

2. Venerable Master infiltrated the royal palace

When the Qing dynasty began, it was strictly forbidden to strictly enforce military guards so the citadel was relatively safe and peaceful. After Qianlong, social order is not as before. To Gia Khanh's life, the folk religious organizations sprouted like "bamboo shoots after spring rain" . Odd religious sects develop wildly. In the 28th year of Qianlong (ie 1763), on a cold December day, there was a monk named Hong Ngoc, who just muttered while walking to the front of the West Gate to enter the Forbidden City. When he was stopped by the guard on the gate, he turned back but decided not to leave but kept talking because he could not enter the door. The soldiers had to arrest and imprisoned. After this medical examination, it turned out that this increase of personality suffers from neurological disease. Later released and handed over to the officer in Changpingzhou for custody.

The 9th year of Gia Khanh (ie 1805) occurred a case of prohibition. In January at Jing County, the government of China, Anhui had a monk named Lieu Huu, after traveling to Pho Da Mountain, Triet Giang suddenly stood in front of the vast earth and aroused a strange desire to enter the citadel. face the queen.

He even imagined that the emperor would reward himself as abbot, then meet and invite him to go to the South. At first thought, Lieu Huu went from Jiangnan to Shandong straight to Beijing. On March 25, finally arrived in Beijing. Because he wanted to see the king, many times he came to kneel in front of the East China Gate to find an opportunity to enter the palace. But the strictly guarded city gate cannot be entered. He was not discouraged, still asking for alms and waiting for the opportunity every day.

Spring passed and winter came, and a little more than half a year passed. On November 24, in the cold price, Lieu Huu continued to stand and stand outside Dong Hoa Mon but was chased away by the guards. This time as well as how many times, he did not leave but came to the sight of Jingshan's Dongmen sitting all night under a bone-chilling cold. In the early morning, he saw a few people burning lamps holding food boxes toward him, so he judged that the Bat Thanh team was bringing food into the palace. He immediately mixed into this group of people to go through Than Vu Mon.

After entering the Forbidden City, Liu Huu went into the narrow corridor to the east to the right. But intensive power supply, high walls, dark night light should not have to follow the wall to the south, not far away, the guards were patrolled at night. This quickly came to the Gia Khanh emperor, so the order was severely punished. Eventually Lieu Huu was forced to continue, beating 60 staff, saving for a year and wearing two months of prestige before the people. Than Vu Mon's military officer was also fined and dismissed. These cases have confounded the royal palace for the safety of the threat.

Picture 4 of 4 periods of heavenly action in the Forbidden City
Bao Hoa Palace in the Forbidden City.

3. Set up a dumpling shop in the Forbidden City

On March 23, 1853, Ham Phong 3rd year, next to Long Tong Mon near Duong Tam Dien right next to the royal residence, there was a small dumpling shop owner named Vuong Khu Nhi who was arrested by the patrol team. He was just a small trader who lived in Uyen Binh district, Thuan Thien Phu. In September 1851, he accidentally picked up a card in the bow, but did not know what it was but also guessed it was in the bow. When he got home, he thought and decided that he would come to the palace to ask what it was, if it was a treasure, it would definitely be rewarded.

After arriving in front of the castle gate, he was stopped by the guards, so he felt a little shiver in his heart. He took out the card, did not expect the guards to invite him in. When inside, he looked east and west, his mind reeling because he saw something big and strange, and saw the eunuch who went back to the house in a hurry. He thought it was a dream and the Forbidden City was not a place for peasants, if sneaking in would be illegal. Thinking so much he felt scared and dared not tell anyone this story.

But a few months later, I thought about going to the Forbidden City suddenly in my heart. Finally, he came back again. This time he also thanks to the card to easily enter without being prevented by anyone. After a few simple walks and outings, he came up with the intention to sell dumplings in the bow. So he took a bag of dumplings and chose a corner to make a stall. It is true that the eunuchs often buy his dumplings even though the price is 10 times more expensive than outside but absolutely no one doubts his identity. Gradually Wang Qiu Nhi became a guest of the Forbidden City and the royal road entered the main gate of the palace, peacefully selling live sword dumplings.

Until one day in April 2, Ham Phong (in 1852), everything broke. One day, Wang's cousin named Zhang Guilin came to play. After being drunk, he told this person his secret. The guy Mr. Zhang finished, he felt both surprised and happy and offered to borrow the Wang Qiu Nhi's card to enter Tu Cam into a trip. Unbelievably, Wang Qiu Nhi agreed, and also scraped the word Yu Sy Dong on the card to repair Zhang Guilin.

Because Wang Qiu Pedo came to the palace many people knew a lot of people in the palace so he could not enter the card. Even a cook named Truong Xuan Thanh in the palace also helped his brothers and sisters come to work for him. Just like that, their siblings peacefully find jobs that are "illegal " in the palace. After a period of time in the palace conducting strict examination, Vuong Khu Nhi calculated and reclaimed the card of Tràng Quế Lâm to return to trade. Unfortunately, before being able to leave the palace, it was discovered and arrested.

4. 'Crazy ghosts dancing' in Thai Hoa electricity

July 8, 1905, the 31st year of Quang Tu, when a patrol patrol went to Tam Dien, the window eastward at the Thai Hoa west gate fell. When people listen, there is a clear voice. They immediately shouted up. The general minister of the interior government led a team of cavalrymen encircling Thai Hoa.

When opening the main door of the electricity, a person is dancing in the electricity. After detecting and examining this person, the soldier collected a short knife, a small knife, a purse inside containing two boxes of matches, 9 copper coins, a check, 760 cash notes, a plate The yellow cloth inside has a piece of chipped jade, a ash-colored belt, a silver-white short jacket, a pipe without body, a fan, a bowl, a piece Purple stones and a handkerchief rubbing purple flowers.

After interrogation, he declared his name as Jia Wan Hai, 29 years old, from the outskirts of Beijing's Daxing District. Continuing interviews showed that this person had many abnormal neurological manifestations. After reporting to the Empress Queen and Quang Tu emperor, the Ministry ordered the investigation to continue. During the interrogation and investigation process, Jia Wan Hai stared blankly, the words were lacking in logic, signs of being mad. After a month of investigation, he still did not get any satisfactory results. He was eventually hanged.

See more: Overview of the Forbidden City - China