Insects will be an important food for humans

What do you think if someday crickets like insects become one of our important food?

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Currently, the world has about 7 billion people and according to UN estimates, by 2050, humanity will welcome 10 billion citizens. Clearly, with such rapid population growth, food security is a big challenge for us. Therefore, from now on, many research projects have been carried out to solve future food problems.

Picture 1 of Insects will be an important food for humans

In terms of quantity, insects are the most crowded species on our planet. In fact, in many countries like Thailand, China, Vietnam . insects have become a nutritious food source for a long time. However, for people in regions like Western Europe and North America, it's a pretty crazy idea. People here cannot bear the sight of the insects that they are so "disgusting" like crickets, pupae, scorpions . on their plate.

To solve this problem, Exo, a food company, has just come up with the idea of ​​making insect-based food bars. They experimented with about 40 crickets for a fast food bar and of course the flavor was prepared to suit the human taste. Greg Sewitz, co-founder of Exo said, the secret here is to disguise the crickets by turning them into food bars like sausages or meat skewers to fool the user's feelings.

In a recent conversation with Engadget technology site, Sewitz and Niwa, co-founder of Agnieszka Nazaruk company discussed food issues in the future. While Sewitz talked about the company's new food processing, Niwa presented a mini-farm system in the house. Although he claims this model cannot completely replace supermarket systems, at least it is a new step in sustainable food production and creates more nutritious food. This model is suitable for growing vegetables, of course the cultivation of insects to reduce transportation costs, product costs and especially environmentally friendly.

Reference: Engadget