Intelligent light bulbs help you sleep on time

A new type of LED bulb can help reduce discomfort during night and day transitions by adjusting melatonin levels in your body.

Melatonin is the hormone that makes you sleepy, and your sleepiness levels up, down by the 24-hour cycle a day. When you wake up with a mind full of energy and energy, low levels of melatonin in your body. But when a day is longer and the sun down the mountain, the amount of hormones produced will increase again.

The point is, if you are a student, or someone who has to work night shifts, or your bed always like the International Space Station (where every 90 minutes the sun rises once), you do not Clowns have the joy of sleeping when the sun goes down. Luckily, Lighting Science has come up with an application for solving this problem.

Picture 1 of Intelligent light bulbs help you sleep on time

The Lighting Solution's Sleeping Light has the same shape as a conventional incandescent bulb, but it's smarter. The Rhythm Downlight operates as follows: You schedule the sleep you want in the application, which is synchronized with a specially designed digital LED light bulb. When it comes time for you to wake up, the light will glow with blue light, stopping the production of melatonin, help you feel refreshed. But when it's time to go to bed, blue light decreases, allowing your body to produce melatonin and you fall asleep.

At this time, the company is producing specialized wake-up light bulbs and sleepers. Rhythm Downlight, a combination of both, is expected to hit the market this summer.

Picture 2 of Intelligent light bulbs help you sleep on time

This technology is similar to the placement of light in the space station ISS, where sleep is rampant. Most astronauts had to take sleeping pills but could not sleep. Equipment from the Lighting Solution study is used at NASA, according to Mashable. Here he helped develop the prototype LED light bulb tested at the ISS space station in 2008.

New types of LED bulbs can be installed at the ISS space station in 2015 - this means that this summer can be a rare opportunity for you to have state-of-the-art technology in your home even before the launch. the monk.