Intelligent watch watches children

There are various measures to remotely control children. However, the new FiLIP wristwatch sold in the market is a very interesting device.

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Picture 1 of Intelligent watch watches children

FiLIP is small, pretty and works like a mobile phone. Parents are allowed to set up SafeZones. Then, wherever they go they can control if they go over this area. Upon receipt of the notification, parents will send a warning message to return the child.

This watch was created by Sten Kirkbak, who lost the baby within 30 minutes out of control. Therefore, the active children running around forget about dinner time will be easy for parents to find their location.

According to the Daily Mail, the FiLIP watch is equipped with a GPS global position sensor and built-in Wi-Fi for increased accuracy when it comes to locating the child. This smart watch is available in blue, red, pink and green. The display shows time, text messages and 5 pre-programmed numbers. Daily Mail said AT & T was authorized to distribute the watch for $ 199.99.