Video: Watch Japanese extremely sophisticated mechanical watches made of wood

A Japanese student successfully designed a sophisticated mechanical watch from wood.

We often brace ourselves for Leonardo da Vinci's designs, which is a great combination of art and mechanics. It is not as boring as what is programmed by computer code today.

And the guy Kango Suzuki, 28-year-old Japanese has brought us such a product in everyday life. That's Plock , a mechanical watch with wonderfully created details from . wood.

Picture 1 of Video: Watch Japanese extremely sophisticated mechanical watches made of wood
Mechanical clock with wooden Plock.

Plock was made of 407 pieces of wood that were sculpted in detail. Of course, the clock also has a time recorder as a small board in the center. The wooden mechanical system inside the watch moves and will control a stylus to record the time on the word board.

Suzuki is currently studying at Tohoku University of Art and Design of Japan. According to WithNews, this guy has spent six months since he had ideas and perfected Plock.

Mechanical watches made from wood.

Last week, Plock was performed for public viewing at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

Surely this is not the most accurate and perfect mechanical watch in the world but once again we have the opportunity to mention Japan, the country always gives people a lot of surprises in all areas that they contribute.