Interesting discoveries about people

The human body contains miraculous things that rich imagination is difficult to imagine. Let's explore together.

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1. People are born with more than 300 bones in the body. However, when entering the adult stage, our body only has 206 bones left. This happens because many of the original bones have merged together to form a single bone.

2. 25% of a person's bones are concentrated on two feet.

3. The human body has more than 600 muscles, accounting for 40% of the whole body weight.

4. The human head is still aware about 15-20 seconds after being cut off from the body.

5. The right lung of the human is larger than the left lung. This is because the left lung must give way to the heart.

6. Your palms and soles cannot be tanned and cannot grow hair.

7. Every 24 hours, the human body releases about 0.5 to 1.4 liters of saliva. Throughout his life, an average person produced about 37,854 liters of saliva.

8. An adult's body needs nearly 40kg of oxygen per day.

Picture 1 of Interesting discoveries about people

9. Human hair and nails are made of the same substance: keratin. On average, we lose about 40-100 hairs per day.

10. On average, a red-haired person has 90,000 hairs, while black-haired people own up to 110,000 hairs. In addition, smart people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

11. The reason for hair turning salt and pepper when we get older is because the pigment cells in the hair follicles, which are responsible for producing "melanin", color the hair, start dying.

12. Every square inch on the human body contains the average 5 million bacteria on it.

13. Every 27 days, people discard and re-develop skin cells in the outermost layer, and thus will have nearly 1,000 new skin layers throughout life.

14. Human body has enough fat to produce 7 soap cakes.

15. If one eye is blind, one will lose only one-fifth of the vision but lose all sense of depth.

16. Human heart can put enough pressure to spray blood at a distance of more than 9 meters.

17. An average person has about 1.86 square meters of leather with a weight of 2.7kg.

18. Each of us takes about half an hour in a single cell condition.

19. A single blood cell takes about 60 seconds to perform a complete movement of the body.

20. The largest cell in the human body is a female reproductive cell or egg cell, which is nearly 0.2mm in diameter. Meanwhile, the smallest cells in the human body are male sperm. Approximately 175,000 new sperm are required to have a total weight equal to an egg cell.

21. Statistics show that, on average, a person will have sex more than 3,000 times and spend two weeks on kisses throughout his life.

22. The record for the number of orgasms per hour recorded for a woman is 134, but for men is only 16.

23. Throughout life, an average man will spend 3,350 hours removing a total of 8.4 meters of beard.

24. 47% of us have nightmares at least once a month.

25. Most of us have microscopic parasites, named Demodex, that live in their lashes, nails and mouth.

26. When coughing, people release a flow of air with more than 96km / h.

Picture 2 of Interesting discoveries about people
Men sweat more than women.

27. Nails and toenails take about 6 months to grow from the root to the fingertips or toes. Nails grow fastest on the middle finger. However, the most sensitive finger on a human hand is the index finger.

28. A person will die from lack of sleep faster than dying of hunger. Death will come in about 10 days of sleeplessness, while people will tolerate hunger for several weeks until death knocks on the door.

29. An average person falls asleep for 7 minutes.

30. In a lifetime, an average person walks the total distance equal to 5 equator.

31. Adult women are much faster than men and also have a slightly higher average IQ than men. In addition, women often have better hearing than men.

32. Men sweat 40% more than women.

33. Young children cry but they do not produce tears until 1-3 months after birth.

34. Until the age of 6-7 months, a child can still breathe and swallow at the same time. This is an impossible task for an adult.

35. One in 500 people has a blue eye and a brown eye. People with blue eyes are likely to look better in the dark.

36. On average, a person spends about 5 years eating throughout his life.

37. In the daytime, the number of male children born is more than the number of young women but at night is the opposite.

38. Laughing lowers hormones causing stress and strengthening the immune system. Children laugh an average of 400 times / day while this number is in adults only 15 - 100 times / day. Men laugh louder, longer and even more often than women.

39. Two twins never have identical fingerprints.

40. During your life, you will consume about 27.2 tons of food, equivalent to the weight of 6 elephants.

41. In spring, children grow faster than any other season of the year.

42. 11% of people on our planet are left-handed.

43. At the age of 70, 73% of men still have the ability to have sex.

44. Scientists discover that people who are lying tend to look upwards and to their left.

45. Most men experience an erection every 1 hour or 1 hour while sleeping.

46. ​​On average, women say 7,000 words per day while this figure for men is only 2,000.

47. By walking an additional 20 minutes a day, an average person will burn more than 3kg of fat in a year.

48. Sociologists found that the worse the economic situation, the longer the women's skirt, and vice versa, when the economy is better, the dresses of ladies and gentlemen are shortened. .

49. 35% of people use personal ads for married dating.