Interesting insect world

Bees have feathers in the eye. You are more likely to be stung by a bee on a windy day in any other weather condition. The only insect that can rotate its head 360 degrees is a mantis.

The truth is startling about the insect world

1. The number of insects per 1 km2 of the ground is more than the number of human species worldwide!

Picture 1 of Interesting insect world

2. In the United States, hornets kill more people than snakes, spiders and scorpions summed up.

3. The average fly speed of the fly is 7.3 km / hour. A fly flaps its wings about 20,000 times a minute. Flies can carry pathogens as far as 24 km from pollution sources.

If two flies reproduce in a condition that is not killed or any other limit for a year, their descendants will form a mass as large as the earth.

South American flies are considered the largest fly in the world.

4. The crickets crickets by rubbing their feet together is the wing brush.

5 . Ladybugs bleed to defend themselves. When frightened, they secrete droplets of red or yellow fluids with unpleasant taste from the mouth and pores in the joint.

6. Until very recently, no centipedes were found to have even legs. Usually this number ranges from 15 to 191 pairs, but all numbers are odd. Recently, however, Chris Kettle, a medical student in ecology, found a centipede with 48 legs, and suspected the genetic mutation was the cause of that.

7. The rake can only jump at a minimum temperature of 16.6 degrees Celsius.

8. Spider web is made of 2 types of silk, one kind of stick and one type. Spiders start building networks with non-stick silk and create "rays" first. After the frame was completed and solid, the spider began to use sticky silk to network as we often see, connecting this beam to the other ray. Watching a spider you will find it very carefully to avoid the fibers sticking and walking on the "rays". If startled and stepped on the sticky thread, the spider will be attached to it like any other thing. At that time, they will eat these silk threads to escape.

9. The taste of princess butterflies is 12,000 times more sensitive than people. They taste with the hind legs.

10. Like a mantis , black spiders will eat up after they finish mating. Children can "see off" about 25 bad guys in a day.

11. Ants can survive up to 2 weeks underwater. When they wake up, they often stretch, and yawn just like us before starting the day's work. When the flood sweeps, tropical ants often cling to each other and curl into a giant ball floating on the water, the young ants will be safe and dry in the middle.

12 . The worm can have up to 10 hearts.

Picture 2 of Interesting insect world

13. Dragonfly species have an average life cycle of 1 day.

14. Each year, insects consume one-third of the world's food crops.

15. Worker bees leave their nests to collect nectar and pollen, they store in the hind legs, then feed the young bees slowly.

16. All beetle worms capable of creating spider webs are groups that collect garbage, digest dead plants and animals.

Benefits from insects.

According to the concept of all of us, cashew insects are species that are harmful to health and plants so that people always try to kill insects when meeting them anywhere. However, according to the rule of survival, any animal is not completely harmful, all things are beneficial and harmful, it is important that we know how to use it properly to take advantage of the benefits. their bring. Here are 10 really useful insects and how to attract them to our garden.

1. Mosquito bug

The tiny larva, a flying insect with long legs, eats more than 60 species of aphids by paralyzing their prey. Pollen will attract mosquito bugs to your garden.

2. Bee flies

Adult female bees inject their eggs into the host insects. The larvae are then nourished inside the host, including caterpillar larvae, beetles, and aphids. The host died when the larvae were fully developed. Plant small flowering plants such as dill, parsley, wild carrots, and yarrow to attract flies to your garden.

Picture 3 of Interesting insect world

3. Needle bug

Aphids feed on aphids, small caterpillars, leaf hoppers, thrips, and other pests. Use a grid to find catches of aphids in the alfalfa fields, and then drop them into your garden.

4. Hard beetle

Nocturnal hard-winged beetles are carnivores, eat gluttonous snails, snails, night worms, cabbage maggots, and other harmful insects that live in your garden soil. A beetle larva can eat more than 50 caterpillars! Planting perennials in the garden gives them a stable habitat, or planting white clover to cover the ground in the orchard.

5. Lace wings

Both larvae and adult lace beetles feed on aphids, moths, mealybugs, aphids, thrips, and white flies. Angelica tree, maple tree, western marigold, and sweet mustard will attract the beetle to the garden.