Instead of eating three meals a day as often as humans, these animals may not eat for a long time and still live well.
Wooden fish and frogs can make their own proteins to keep their bodies from freezing when they live in cold water, animals release glue ...
Mantis shrimp is considered by many to possess the most unusual eyes in the animal world. Each of their eyes has 12 different light receptors, helping them to recognize colors
Many insects and carnivores, including humans, choose to eat certain parts of their prey to balance the amount of nutrients taken into the body.
Israeli scientists announced the discovery of a giant new spider that lives in an underground cave under sand dunes in the Israeli-Jordan, Middle East border.
Finding solutions to the behavior of some female spiders often eat their mates before or after intercourse, which has long attracted a lot of scientists' attention.
A study published in the journal Animal Behavior shows that not only people buy home decorations, but also small spiders also decorate
The male spiders are brightly colored and often raise their hind legs to appeal to their 'mates' found in Australia.
Some beetles often lie dead for familiar reasons: avoid being attacked by prey.
In the world of spiders, the girls also fall easily when receiving gifts wrapped carefully from males.