Inventing nano probe for cancer treatment

Scientists at the University of California, USA have created a smart nano probe to find and destroy identified tumors of cancer patients.

Picture 1 of Inventing nano probe for cancer treatment

Nano probe with coral shape, with one face made of gold and the other side with polymer will purple straight to the cancer cell to deliver medicine.

The study of nano detectors has been developed by many research groups around the world for over 10 years, in an effort to reduce or completely eliminate the negative effects of medical therapies affecting healthy cells. during cancer treatment.

The invention was published in the Small weekly newspaper, which specializes in micro and micro technology science.

Lead researcher Professor Luke Lee said: "If you want to launch a satellite into space, you need to do a lot of things. It must reach the target, probe around and transmit information to the control station. This also happens to the molecular world, we need detectors that can find sick cells, treat it and then inform us about the local environment. Cells help us test the effectiveness of the treatment, which is indeed an important step in cancer treatment.

Micro-detectors are only a few hundred nanometers in diameter, they are designed by scientists: one is made of rough gold, one is made from plain polyester. The device is named "coral", because it is a species with similar characteristics to the machine, a rough surface helps to enhance the ability to acquire light and food molecules.

Dr. Benjamin Ross, a researcher in the Department of Applied Science and Technology Programs at the University of California, said: "Like natural leveling, nano coral detectors with high rough surfaces, help them can capture molecules near ".