Recently, American scientists have discovered the opposite, light can bend matter.
On March 29, scientists at the University of Ohio found the world's smallest superconducting material - a chain of four pairs of molecules of 3.5 nanometers.
Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered a new way to generate electricity: using carbon nanotubes to generate electricity.
RTI has developed an intelligent light bulb with nanofibres, saving energy five times that of conventional lamps.
Under certain conditions, carbon nanotubes can convert heat into energy and vice versa.
GS Research Team. Yi Cui, of Stanford University, has successfully put carbon nanotubes (one billionths of a meter) into a dye.
French scientists have successfully researched the new modular transistor Nomfet can simulate the operation of the nervous system.
Some scientists argue that silver nanoparticles suspended in water create a flexible and flexible material - the main ingredient for creating invisible objects.
Scientists have successfully researched a new nanoscale lens that can capture super-high-resolution images that current technologies have not yet achieved.
Scientists at the University of Tel Aviv, Israel have found a type of nanomaterial that can be used to make self-cleaning coatings for glass doors and help increase the storage