Did we come close to cancer medicine?

For years, scientists have studied ways to stop the disease of evil. How close have we been to effective treatment for this disease?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost all of the 6 deaths worldwide are due to cancer. Currently, common cancer treatments are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, tumor surgery and hormone therapy in case of testicular cancer and breast cancer.

However, other treatments have appeared, can be treated independently or in combination with existing methods, to help fight cancer more effectively and limit the side effects.

New methods for cancer treatment to address a wide range of problems for health facilities and patients, including too strong treatment with unwanted side effects, tumors It grows back after treatment or surgery and the types of cancer grow resistant to treatment therapies.

Here is a summary of some of the latest breakthroughs in cancer research, and we can once again hope that better preventive therapies and strategies will soon be found.

Therapy to strengthen the immune system

Recently there is a treatment that has attracted a lot of attention, which is immunotherapy . This method aims to strengthen the body's defense system, through T cells, which are important cells against cancer, to fight strange entities and harmful cells.

Picture 1 of Did we come close to cancer medicine?
T cells attack cancer cells.(Source: Technologynetworks).

Treatments with viruses and new vaccines

An unexpected weapon in the fight against cancer is viral treatment, according to a UK research group in early 2018. In their experiments, they used a type of reovirus to attack. Brain cancer cells that do not touch healthy cells.

For the first time, viral therapy can overcome the blood-brain barrier, opening up the opportunity for this immunotherapy to be used for more advanced brain cancer patients.

Revolution of nanoparticles

Speaking of direct drug delivery tools to tumors, and tracing of small tumors, it is necessary to mention nanotechnology and the development of nanoparticles in cancer treatment.

Nanoparticles are extremely small in size, introduced into tumors inside the body. Under external heat stimulated effects such as lasers, infrared, nanoparticles will heat and cause cancer cells to shrink.

Nanoparticles also act as a means of transmitting drugs, bringing treatment drugs to the exact location of the tumor, increasing the effectiveness of treatment and reducing the impact on benign cells.

Another important application is that the nano probes are used to detect metastatic tumors, which are tumors so small that traditional methods are not detected.

Strategy to starve the tumor

A strategy that researchers recently used is to cut the source of tumor nutrients needed to grow and spread. That nutrient source may be glutamine, vitamin B2 . depending on the type of cancer.

In the past few years, scientists have approached many cancer treatments. However, most projects are in the early stages, the path of application on patients is still far away.

But we have the right to hope. Scientists will successfully group the fire, giving us an advantage in the fight against cancer.