Based on that effect, scientists could design a safe treatment using benign viruses or a vaccine using the RNA of the COVID virus itself.

A drug that can 'melt away' tumours could dramatically increase the chances of curing colorectal cancer and could even replace surgery, doctors say.

Finding vaccines, organ transplants, immunotherapy for cancer treatment are breakthroughs in world medicine over 200 years.

A new study has shown that from spider silk, one can develop a method to help get vaccines straight to white blood cells in the body.

Dr. Tan explained, cancer is a group of diseases related to disorganized cell division.

Recently, scientists have developed a new immunotherapy that can reverse allergic reactions in mice and they believe that this therapy can be used to treat allergies in humans.

Cancer is no longer a deadly disease because scientists have found a tool to enhance the effectiveness of immunotherapy - a natural cancer treatment.

Dr. Pamela Ewan of the University of Cambridge has published a study on new treatments for children with allergies to peanuts.

Research has been carried out on rats, but more testing and extensive testing is needed in the laboratory before being applied on the human body.

In August 2015, at the age of 91, former President Jimmy Carter was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma, metastasized to the liver and brain.