Preparing drugs for treating cancer from fungi

From mushrooms and using nanotechnology, American scientists have successfully developed a drug that can treat many types of cancer.

According to the journal "Natural Biotechnology" (US), Dr. Judah Folkman and his colleagues developed the drug Lodamin from a fungus called scientific name Aspergillus fumigatus fresenius .

Picture 1 of Preparing drugs for treating cancer from fungi

Fresenius Aspergillus fumigatus.(Photo:

Tests on mice showed that the drug Lodamin has the ability to destroy many types of cancer tumors, including breast, ovarian, prostate, brain, uterus .

Twenty-four days after being treated with Lodamin, all of the rats were still alive and their liver tests showed that the liver completely cleared the tumor, while in the control group, 4 of the 7 mice did not Treated Lodamin died.