Coming soon, new drugs thoroughly attack cancer

'Kim Khai technology of anti-cancer medicine laboratory' based in Indonesia, Ha Nam, China on April 23, said that within 5-7 years, scientists of this agency will produce an anticancer drug with gene technology that can thoroughly attack cancer cells.

Picture 1 of Coming soon, new drugs thoroughly attack cancer

Lung cancer

Scientists, headed by professor-doctoral genetics Simonzi of Johns Hopkins University (USA), discovered among hundreds of human cancer-causing genes that existed a 'total switch.'

Based on this finding, Dr. Dowd of Chinese Americans used a 'key' to close this 'total switch'. Specifically, this scientist for the first time used GBH-1a to close the 'total switch'. This way can both prevent the spread of cancer cells and prevent other gene keys. Open the door for cancer cells to grow.

According to Dr Dowd, research on new drug-based drug GBH-1a to close 'total switches' can help inhibit cancer cell types including lung, pancreas, colon, and prostate cancer. paralysis and mammary gland. This is a drug that is highly effective in destroying cancer and tumors.

Dr Dowd added that within the next 5-7 years, the drug that is said to be 'blockbuster' will be put into use.

Kim Khai Laboratory gathers many world-famous scientists in the field of preparing anti-cancer drugs by taking advantage of gene technology. Professor-doctor Simonzi and Dr. Dowd co-chaired this Laboratory. /.