Is beer really good for your hair?

You can use beer to bathe, fertilize plants or steamed shrimp. But have you ever looked after your hair with this popular drink? And the experience shows that beer is also good for hair.

According to HowStuffWorks, the most basic ingredients of beer - malt and hops - containing protein can strengthen the epidermis . The epidermis is a layer of dead cells encased in a pattern that is like a tile in the outer part of the hair shaft. When the epidermis is damaged, these cells are lifted and become hardened.

Picture 1 of Is beer really good for your hair?
The composition of beer contains an epidermal reinforcement.

If you use the proteins found in beer for your hair, the cells in the epidermis will first rearrange themselves in an orderly fashion. Basically, these proteins are repairing your hair damage caused by all the ways you make your hair look better: drying, straightening, bending and coloring your hair.

Beer will make your hair smoother. When proteins bind to the hair cuticles, the new smoothed surface will reflect the light better. This means your hair will become brighter. Alcohol in beer also raises the brightness - thanks to vitamin B and natural sugar - although experts warn alcohol will dry the hair if you use it too often. Scientists also say that there is no evidence that beer is a miraculous detergent; It also does not make hair grow and leave an unpleasant smell.

To use beer as a hair conditioner, mix it at room temperature (about a quarter of a cup or 59 milliliters) with an equal amount of water and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to cut the smell of beer. After using shampoo and conditioner, rinse your hair with brewed water and let it soak for a few minutes before rinsing. While too dry to use beer for hair every day, washing once or twice a month will make the hair more beautiful and remove buildup from hair care products.

Picture 2 of Is beer really good for your hair?
Beer will make your hair smoother.

You can transfer the water mixture with beer into a spray bottle to make it easier to wet your hair. Beer substances remain in the follicle, so cleaning beer after incubation is necessary to provide long-term benefits.

You can also turn beer into shampoo. Boil a cup (236ml) of beer over medium heat until there is only a quarter of a cup. After leaving the beer cold, mix it with a shampoo, wash your hair with this solution and wash it as usual.