Is it true that the hair will grow back thicker and darker after each shave?

And your feeling after the first few days is that they have grown bigger and thicker. You have been fooled.

Is it true that shaving hair will grow thicker and darker?

In everyday life, sometimes we feel very confident in some advice. For example, if everyone needs 8 hours of sleep a day, they can eat food that falls to the floor if picked up in time, gum will stick to the intestine when swallowed . Today, please help us solve the advice ' Legend ' comes from mothers: ' Dear daughter, don't try to shave her legs and grow back thicker and darker tomorrow '.

Picture 1 of Is it true that the hair will grow back thicker and darker after each shave?
Is it true that hair will grow black and thicker after each shave?

It is indeed difficult to find the beginning of the story. Many mothers recommend their children like that. And when asked why they know this secret, the answer is that it comes from mothers.

So from one generation to the next, all mothers believe that when shaving their legs, it will grow back thicker and darker. To test this, many scientists have done a lot of experimentation. And they all realized that the development of hair or hair was not affected after shaving or any kind of bleach.

'Women wax their legs very often. If the hairs on the legs grow thicker each time, they will soon turn into gorillas, "said Amy McMichael, a dermatologist. 'Moreover, if you shave your hair and make it grow thicker, we won't have to worry about hair loss anymore.'

As early as the 1928, a clinical trial showed that shaving did not affect their growth. Research published in the British Medical Journal reported that 'shaving off dead hair, whiskers or hair does not affect the part of their life that lies beneath the surface of the skin'.

Here, you may not believe and insist: 'Oh, but I see my mother is right, they have grown black and thicker . ' Indeed, but before explaining this problem, I will tell another story.

Eat more ice cream, drown a lot? It is a startling statistic made in many places. When looking at the correlation diagrams between the amount of ice cream consumed and the number of people drowning, it is easy to recognize that it is creating a positive trend. As the amount of ice cream consumed increases, the number of people drowning also increases, similar to the opposite direction.

Picture 2 of Is it true that the hair will grow back thicker and darker after each shave?
Statistics on consumption and number of victims drowning during the year.

Will you find the correlation here? No problem, the problem is that people eat more ice cream and go swimming more when it's hot. Accidental temperature is a determinant that is not in the graph.

Going back to the story of the legs, its thicker and darker growth comes from an element that is not present: hormones.

Most girls start waxing at puberty . Similarly, the boys started shaving. And then the mothers appeared with 'legendary' advice . After many shave and waxing sessions, the children realized that they actually grew back thicker and darker. However, the reason behind this phenomenon is the fluctuation of hormones during puberty . As hormones increase , they affect the thickness of the coat and many other factors.

Besides, part of the reason you were fooled was the feeling . The hairs are formed from horn proteins protruding from the body and they taper off at each end. When shaving them, you act and cut the hair in the middle. It will form a sharp and rough surface every time you touch it. And your feeling after the first few days is that they have grown bigger and thicker. You have been fooled.

Picture 3 of Is it true that the hair will grow back thicker and darker after each shave?
The girls began waxing at puberty and the boys started shaving.

Then when you have not verified this, there are opposite statements. Wax wax sellers say their products will make the hated hair grow back thinner and slower. If you believe this, your feelings are once again deceived.

'Stripping and waxing with cream or wax products causes the hair follicles to be removed. This will make them take some time to recreate. They will grow with a slimmer head. However, the thickness and color are still the same , 'said Michael Vagg, a doctor on The Conversation.

'However, there have also been evidence of repeated waxing that can permanently damage some hair follicles and prevent them from growing back. However, this only happens after a few years' process , 'Paul Willis, a scientific reporter explained in Catalyst Magazine.

'Like many other functions of the body, the appearance of hair, beard and hair reflects your overall health and genetics. Unless you do something that affects the epidermis or interferes with hormones, this process is reversed. You can't make them grow faster and thicker with razors, 'said Michael Vagg.

In summary, it can be affirmed that shaving or waxing really does not affect their development. Will hair, hair or beard grow no thicker and darker after each shave? Does this happen only during puberty and its cause comes from hormones . If you are a mother, you should understand this when talking to your children. If you want the hateful hairs to disappear, basically pick up the razor and have nothing to fear.