Bald men's hair can grow back

Scientists hope to make the scalp of bald people grow back like hair in spring.

Picture 1 of Bald men's hair can grow back
Men with baldness have hope to have their hair back. (Photo: Telegraph).

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania reported on this when they found follicular cells on the bald scalp of men . At the same time, they discovered that the scalp of a bald man had hair cells like other normal people .

Scientists looked at the bald skin on the heads of men involved in hair transplants and compared them to the scalp of ordinary people. They found that both scalp have the same number of stem cells, the host cell type can be converted into any other cell in the body.

Dr. George Cotsarelis said on the Telegraph, he was surprised by the abundance of stem cells, but has yet to find out why they stopped growing.

" However, the reality is that there are bald scalp stem cells. We hope to reactivate them ," Cotsarelis said.

Researchers speculate that baldness may arise from a problem in stem cells rather than the number of stem cells in the follicle. In bald men, hair follicles shrink and not disappear.