New research: bald men look more successful, smart and masculine

What do Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO), Kenneth Frazier (CEO Merck), and Steve Ballmer (former Microsoft CEO) have in common? They are all extremely successful. And they are . bald.

Is that a coincidence? Probably not. Because according to a study by the University of Pennsylvania, skinhead men are often perceived by people around as having greater influence and success in life.

Picture 1 of New research: bald men look more successful, smart and masculine
Actor couple Jason Statham.

BusinessInsider said the American scientist Albert E. Mannes - who was also bald - conducted a study in 2012 with 59 subjects. He wanted to know how people react to skinhead men by showing them a series of images.

The subjects saw each image twice, once a picture of a man with a full head of hair, and once of that man, but shaved his hair. The subjects in the study later said they thought that bald men were more influential, looked bigger (in terms of body size), and stronger.

Another interesting detail: those men have absolutely no hair . People who only bald one head are perceived to be less attractive and weaker.

Seth Godin: "The bald man is good at self-reliance"

Technology entrepreneur Seth Godin has been skinhead for more than 20 years. He explained to the Wall Street Journal the reason why bald men are often perceived to be more influential: "I am not saying that if you shave your head you will succeed, but you have done a thing. pole".

Picture 2 of New research: bald men look more successful, smart and masculine
Seth Godin.

Not only stronger, bald men are even smarter. A global study conducted by psychologist Ronald Henss (Saarland University) with more than 20,000 subjects has shown that bald men are often judged to be older, smarter and more intellectual. .

For a long time, scientists have always believed that bald men are more sexually attractive because hair loss is related to testosterone levels.

Unfortunately that is not entirely true. Hair loss is not derived directly from testosterone, but by DHT hormone. DHT is a testosterone-based product that primarily affects hair follicles.

But bald gentlemen should not be discouraged, as many people still believe that bald men are far more capable and charismatic. Look at Jason Statham, Bruce Willis or Michael Jordan - the famous "bald" of the entertainment world!