Women are less and less attracted to masculine men

If in the 1950s, men with strong faces and angles were still attracted to women, then in the 90s, that model turned into long-haired, dreamy-eyed girls like girls.

Contraceptives used since the 1960s created a revolution in sex, and helped women control pregnancy. But this drug also seems to have changed the "taste" of women about men.

Scientists say hormones in birth control pills reduce women's desire for masculine men, and make boys look more like a boy.

Although this change only took place a few days in a month, it could have a big effect overall because it has been used for more than 40 years.

DailyMail said, if this hypothesis is correct, it could partly explain how male patterns change dramatically from the 1950s onwards.

Picture 1 of Women are less and less attracted to masculine men Classic men: In the 1950s, the masculine faces of Burt Lancaster and Kurt Douglas were considered very attractive. Picture 2 of Women are less and less attracted to masculine men Angular male model: In the 1960s, names like Sean Connery and Steve McQueen were admired by women. Picture 3 of Women are less and less attracted to masculine men Dense hair: Long faces like John Travolta and Ryan O'Neal's dominate the hearts of women in the 1970s. Picture 4 of Women are less and less attracted to masculine men Soft looks: Beautiful faces like Rob Lowe and Michael J. Fox were very popular in the 1980s. Picture 5 of Women are less and less attracted to masculine men Feminine faces. The faces that make women in the 90s of the rhythm have long hair. Picture 6 of Women are less and less attracted to masculine men And the beautiful face of the early 21st century: The popular youth of 2009 has the boy's face like Zac Efron (right).

Dr. Alexandra Alvergne, from the University of Sheffield, said that birth control pills can also change the way women choose their partners, and may have long-term effects on society.

Explaining this, experts say that because normally, women will have a few days of the month to be able to conceive strongly (the period of ovulation). At that time, they tend to like masculine guys. The remaining days of the month, they "concluded" the type of man with a baby face and more interested in personality than appearance.

However, when using birth control pills, women will no longer have fertile days. That means they don't undergo hormonal changes that make them attracted to masculine guys.

However, experts also said that more research is needed to confirm this issue.

Previous studies have also shown that women often become most attractive during ovulation. But when using birth control pills, the ability to attract men will decrease.