Why men love women small feet?

Men tend to be attracted by women who have smaller feet than average, while they themselves don't really know why.

Picture 1 of Why men love women small feet?

Women with small feet are always admired by men.Photo: Shutterstock.

Researchers at the University of Albany, New York, USA, looked at 60 white girls and measured the length of these girls' hands, feet, thighs and waist.

After that, they selected 8 girls with the smallest foot and 8 she had the biggest foot to create two faces from these two groups of women.

77 boys are required to evaluate the attractiveness of these faces.

According to New Scientist, the results show that men tend to judge faces from small-legged girls more attractive, a difference of 3.5 times. They also think that these girls are more feminine (10 times higher).

Similarly, the researchers synthesized the faces of girls with the largest and smallest measurements of the remaining parts.

As a result, men are also 11 times more likely to like the faces of smaller waist women. Women with long thighs are also rated 8 times higher.

The researchers unconsciously thought that men like these characteristics of women because it is a sign of good health from a young age.

Women who are well cared for by babies will be taller as adults and have more feminine bodies. In contrast, stress and malnutrition even in the womb may affect sex hormone levels, causing some girls to get puberty early and grow to be shorter than average.