Is urinary bleeding dangerous? What disease warnings?

Urine is known simply as blood in the urine and painful feeling. Normally, in a healthy state, the urine will be clear or pale yellow. So many people will be confused and worried when they urinate. Here are some causes of this condition.

Things to know about urination

  1. Cause of blood urination
    1. 1. Due from the urethra - prostate
  2. 2. Due from the bladder
    1. 3. Due to kidneys
    2. 4. Due to external urinary system
    3. 5. Due to side effects of the drug
    4. 6. Due to excessive exercise
    5. 7. Do not clean hygiene
  3. Is urinary bleeding dangerous?
  4. How to prevent bloody urination

Cause of blood urination

1. Due from the urethra - prostate

  1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy : Benign prostatic hypertrophy, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, is a benign enlargement of the prostate gland. The disease arises due to hyperplasia of prostate structural component cells, thereby causing disorders of urination.
  2. Prostate cancer : Prostate cancer is also called prostate cancer. This is a disease only seen in men, the prostate is located under the bladder, in front of the large intestine. It surrounds the urethra, the urethra that is located inside the penis through which urine and semen are drained out.
  3. Urethral polyps : Urethral polyps are a common disease in women due to hyperplasia of the urethral mucosa by irritants, local inflammation . This is one of the causes of hematuria in female.
  4. Urinary tract stones : Pebbles can appear in many different locations such as the bladder, kidney, ureter, urethra, among which kidney stones are the most common, accounting for about 40%.
  5. Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract infections, if not detected and treated early, can lead to complications of gynecological and male infections leading to infertility; especially urinary tract infections can cause complications of nephritis, pyelonephritis, even chronic kidney failure is extremely dangerous.

Picture 1 of Is urinary bleeding dangerous?  What disease warnings?
The main cause of urinary thrombosis is problems from the urethra, kidneys, etc.

2. Due from the bladder

  1. Papillomas appear.
  2. Cystitis : This is an acute bacterial infection in the bladder. The disease is clinically manifest as bladder syndrome with symptoms such as urination, blood in the urine, pus in the urine at the end of the yard. A urine test will show white blood cells and bacteria in the urine.
  3. Bladder stones: When stones come down to the bladder, in the case of small stones, they can be excreted in the urine, but with larger stones, they are located in the bladder, and accumulate for a long time due to the scale of the stones. available in the bladder continues to cling to cause discomfort, even bloody urine.
  4. Acute diverticulitis : Although the exact cause of the disease is still unknown, there are many disease-related factors such as genes, race, the older the prevalence of the disease, the higher the intake. Fat . Low-fiber diets are an important issue, so far studies have shown that low-fiber intake over long periods of time leads to constipation while increasing pressure in the colon. The main risk factor for appendicitis of the colon.

3. Due to kidneys

  1. Kidney stones: Patients with a history of kidney stone pain. Occurs after an effort, heavy labor, or drinking mineral water, . Examining the kidneys large (signs of kidney contact (+), flickering kidney (+)). UIV kidney scan or unprepared abdominal scan or ultrasound showed stones.
  2. Renal tuberculosis: Common microscopic hematuria, or associated cystitis lesions. Urinating late beach blood. Urgling, often at night. Pain when urinating. Pus. A UIV scan results in an amputated kidney cyst. Look for tubercle bacilli in urine.
  3. Kidney cancer: Hematuria occurs in 70% of cases in adults, but is not usually present in children. Large, spontaneous haematuria, restless, painless, unchanged at rest or exercise (unlike hematuria from stones). Palpation of the tumor in the right iliac fossa (in children is a unique sign, in adults is a late sign). Pain. UIV scan shows one or more kidney defects, distortion of radio - renal pelvis.
  4. Polycystic kidneys : Low back pain (50% of cases), hematuria (30% of cases), pyuria, hyperuricemia, tumors of the renal pelvis. UIV scan showed that the renal pelvis and the renal pelvis became longer and narrowed.
  5. Acute glomerulonephritis : Signs of infection of the skin, throat earlier. Fever Lumbar pain 2 sides. Edema soft, white, press the concave ink bottle. Little or anuria. High Blood Pressure. Micro hematuria.
  6. Renal infarction: Sudden lumbar pain in one side, little urination, heart disease.
  7. Nephritis - pyelonephritis: Symptoms are usually high-grade fever, low back pain, painful kidney, painful urination, painful urination, pain in the lower part of the navel, normal blood pressure, pyuria.
  8. Pyelonephritis: The disease can cause urinary or intestinal infections. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, or blood in the urine. People who have been infected for a long time may have liver damage, kidney failure, infertility, or bladder cancer. In children, the disease can cause children to develop slowly and study hard.
  9. In pelvic or lumbar trauma : Transient or secondary hematuria (usually on the 20th day).

4. Due to external urinary system

  1. The hemorrhagic diathesis.
  2. Subacute Osler Endocarditis.
  3. Fever.
  4. Leukemia.
  5. Resistance to tetanus toxin.
  6. Coagulation disorders.
  7. Thrombocytopenia
  8. Gonorrhea.

Picture 2 of Is urinary bleeding dangerous?  What disease warnings?
Gonorrhea is one of the leading causes of hematuria.

5. Due to side effects of the drug

  1. Antibiotics : Penicillin and its derivatives, cephalosporins and derivatives, sulfamides and derivatives, polymycin, rifampin.
  2. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory : Aspirin, penacetin, aminosalicylic acid.
  3. Diuretics : Furosemide, Ethacrynic Acid, Thiazides.
  4. Anticoagulant : Warfarin (Coumadin).
  5. Other drugs : Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide, Danazold.

6. Due to excessive exercise

Occasionally hematuria appears after a strong exercise such as swimming, boxing, running, kicking. Especially long runners or hematuria (up to 18% of marathon runners hematuria after reaching the finish line). However, hematuria decreases in 24 - 48 hours. If hematuria recovers quickly and does not recur naturally, there is no underlying cause. But in athletes (especially running athletes), proteinuria and / or urinary organs are sometimes associated with hematuria (deformed erythrocytes) suggesting where the glomeruli bleed.

7. Do not clean hygiene

In addition, unhygienic sanitation also leads to inflammation that causes painful urination.

Is urinary bleeding dangerous?

The state of urination, urination, hematuria directly affects the health and daily life of patients even dangerous complications can occur.

  1. Impaired sexual function : urination, urination will affect the genital organs in both men and women. Especially in men with urinary retention, the prostate gland will surely be greatly affected because the prostate gland produces semen, so the inflammation that causes urination will decrease sperm quality and semen, affecting the reproductive process later.
  2. Psychological stress, fear, not daring to urinate, urinating: this will increase the risk of infection making the condition worse. If not treated in time, the disease will affect life and cause many very dangerous complications such as cancer or affect fertility leading to infertility.
  3. Manifestations of dangerous conditions : such as prostatitis, bladder cancer, and vaginal cancer, should require early treatment.
  4. Life-threatening: if the patient has a bleeding disorder, the blood cannot stop.

How to prevent bloody urination

  1. Hygienic regime should be paid attention, clean the genital area, clean the genital area, urinate before and after sex.
  2. Do not hold the urine so that the waste can not be excreted outside causing kidney stones, cystitis.
  3. When cleaning, you should wipe from front to back so that bacteria do not enter the vagina, not deep into the vagina.
  4. Provide enough water for the body, add nutrients including vegetables and fruits to the diet every day to eliminate toxins out.
  5. Wear comfortable, absorbent clothing and do not share personal belongings to avoid infectious diseases.
  6. Limit sitting long, play games that endanger the urethra, pay attention to sports, scientific diet to help improve the body's resistance.