It looks 'bewildered', but ducks have horrible actions that startle everyone!

Let's find out the "dark" corner in the world of "waddling" flood.

Ducks, the name makes us think immediately of animals that are waddling, with a lovely "corny" appearance.

But true to her grandfather's saying, "don't look and shake your face , " the ducks look so gentle, but some of their behaviors can make us human. .

From suicide to execution of the same type

Picture 1 of It looks 'bewildered', but ducks have horrible actions that startle everyone!
Suicide ducks can be caused by some disorder.

According to the account of the Quora forum named Michael Manazaneta, the day she was young, she saw a duck injured by hitting the wing. The frightening thing is that after being injured, the duck swam to the nearby rock and . slammed his head to death !

Another time, she found the situation even more horrifying. A duck was injured on the head and neck due to hitting the stone. The wound was not too heavy, but after that, about 40 other children in the herd gathered, then operated the poor duck to death.

Another "execution" case was told by Avery Cantor. He had seen a duck caught in a fishing line, and there was another one that was constantly using the foot to submerge the dead duck .

Picture 2 of It looks 'bewildered', but ducks have horrible actions that startle everyone!
The injury of a duck to a baby board may be due to a hierarchical social duck.

Strangely, after Avery removed the line, the other duck stopped attacking. The two then swam around in the lake as if nothing had happened.

What is the real reason behind these weird actions?

In the case of suicide, not only ducks but many other animals have also recorded this behavior, including dogs, horses, deer, cats, dolphins, etc. Although there is still much debate now. About the cause, but there was also some pretty convincing evidence.

For example, scientists who have discovered animals can also suffer from mental illness like humans , including depression and post-traumatic stress. Therefore situations where ducks commit suicide because of injury or after their partner dies may be due to some disorder.

Picture 3 of It looks 'bewildered', but ducks have horrible actions that startle everyone!
The fishy smell of blood makes the duck rush to attack mercilessly the ill-fated.

What if the ducks "hit the board" ? Although this is something that many owners of this waterfowl breeder have witnessed, not many scientists can answer it.

Some assumptions are made, most notably the hierarchical social duck . The weakest children will be operated on until they know where their "position" is, and in this case they are injured.

At the same time, when the injured ducks bleed, it was the fishy and red smell of blood that stimulated the tension and aggression of the remaining ducks. It was like a dangerous sign, causing them to strike mercilessly against the ill-fated person.

Conclusion The monstrous behavior of the ducks still has many mysteries and there has not been an official scientific answer. And after knowing how much these "waddling" legs can be scary, do you still see them "cute" ?