Decoding 8 exciting actions babies and young children regularly do

Holding ears, kicking the air, bending your back . are very funny, lovely actions in babies. Do you know why she did that?

1. Holding ears

This is the action your mother will often see when she "neglects" her baby. This shows that the baby is making attention to the mother. In addition, holding the ear is also a sign that your baby is curious and exploring the body. Especially for children from 5 months onwards, this is the period when they are unfamiliar with what they know about the body so they often hold their ears.

In this case, gently pull the newborn's hand so that he does not accidentally scratch the ear because the nails are sharp and long. At the same time, she should lovingly talk to her because she may need to be loved by her mother.

In other cases, such as the mother sees the baby holding the ear, the scowling face, the little ear that reduces the ears . may indicate the baby is uncomfortable about the ear like itching or pain. If this situation occurs regularly, the mother should go to see the pediatrician to find out the cause.

2. Grasp the hand

Picture 1 of Decoding 8 exciting actions babies and young children regularly do
If your baby has a habit of tightening his hands for 3 months, take him to see a doctor immediately.

When they turn to the 3-month-old stage, they often have a habit of clasping their hands and lifting them up. This action shows that the baby is excited or upset. Depending on the mood of the baby's face, she can guess whether she is happy or angry. If your baby laughs is fun, if your baby is blushing, bracing himself, squeezing his hand, he is uncomfortable in his body. Also, if your baby has a habit of tightening his hands for 3 months, take him to see a doctor immediately.

3. Kick your feet up

There are many meanings in this action. If your baby kicks his feet with an unpleasant attitude, he or she is angry at her mother because she does not follow her will, for example. Especially the children from 6 months onwards have expressed their anger very clearly, Mom. And if the mother gives the baby a bath or baby to play, she seems to enjoy pedaling, which means she is happy. At this time, moms make fun sets, have fun with children to prolong their joys.

4. Startled

This is a reaction that shows that the child is excited, scared, mother. She needs to be aware of the startling frequency of her day, because if she is too startled, she may find her nerves unstable and need to see a doctor immediately. In addition, mothers should always create a quiet environment for children to play, relax, limit the situation that makes babies startled to help their children develop the best brain.

5. Anti-head to the ground

If the mother sees the baby sticking her butt up into the sky and puts her head down on the ground , she may be excited or hurt somewhere. Be gentle and cuddle and pat her, check to see if she has pain. If your baby does not cry, still laugh when you put your head down means that your baby will only pay attention to your mother, on the contrary, she may be in pain and she needs to take her to see a doctor.

Picture 2 of Decoding 8 exciting actions babies and young children regularly do
If your baby does not cry, still laugh when you put your head down means that your baby will only pay attention to you.

6. Baby turns away

This action shows that the baby is not wanting to eat or wants you anymore. When you see your baby face away, it's best to change and do something else to make your baby happy again. He also often does this to strangers when he wants to hold the baby, which indicates that your baby is grown up and realizes who is familiar, who is stranger.

7. Cry, twist people

If the mother sees her crying, twisting her body, her arms and legs are curled up, shrinking, showing that she is in pain. Please immediately cuddle your baby and check your baby's pain. If you don't find out why, please take your baby to see a doctor for timely treatment

8. Hold your chest, bend your back

This is a very cute action, but it's worrying about moms. She bent her back, puffed her chest, her face turned red meaning she was angry at her mother or hurt somewhere. In the case of baby angry mother quickly cuddle to calm her anger. In addition, she should check carefully to see if she has any pain, if she sees that she continues this action along with crying, upset her, she should take her immediately to check.