Japan launches 'advanced shampoo'

A Japanese company has launched a robot capable of shampooing and drying human hair, with 24 hi-tech fingers.

>>> Video: Robot shampoo

Panasonic is equipped with the latest technology and can replace people in rapidly aging Asian countries without compromising quality of service.

Picture 1 of Japan launches 'advanced shampoo'
The robot is shampooing a mannequin.

'Using 24-finger technology and a high-tech hand, this robot can shampoo the way people do to help older or disabled people make better lives , ' ' said Tohru Nakamura, Panasonic said.

Panasonic's robots are designed like a regular lounge chair in beauty parlors. When used, the user sit on a chair, leaning back and the robot will pump oil, massage the scalp and wash with water for 3 minutes. The nourishing and drying phase takes 5 minutes.

The new product is an upgraded version of the 16-finger shampoo, launched last year.

Nakamura says Japan's aging society has helped create a healthy market for human-powered robotic technology.

"We will continue to develop technologies for the care of the elderly or disabled in Japan and will export these technologies in other aging countries such as Korea and China in the future ," said Nakamura. to speak.

Panasonic's latest shampoo is not available at this time and prices have yet to be announced. Panasonic plans to start selling new robots next year, targeting potential customers like hospitals or nursing homes.