Japan: Robot radiation resistance incident

For the first time, a Japanese robot designed to withstand high levels of radiation and heat at damaged nuclear plants such as Fukushima was launched.

Picture 1 of Japan: Robot radiation resistance incident
Radiation resistance robot.

Although the country is home to a large number of industrial robots in the world, Japan has yet to have access to the Fukushima nuclear plant that was damaged during the earthquake and tsunami. Last. Instead, Japan has put an American robot on the level of damage inside nuclear reactors. On Wednesday, Toshiba Corporation announced a Japanese robot, capable of radiation resistance. It is a four-legged robot that can carry up to 20kg of equipment and is capable of lifting itself up if it falls on rough surfaces and in ruins.

During the demonstration, the incident happened to the robot. As he was dragging his legs, he was suddenly locked up and unable to move after trying to get his balance. Before that situation the technician must bring him away.

This is the second time that Japanese robot technology has crashed. In October, a Chiba Institute of Technology robot crawled out of contact with the driver and was left inside the Fukushima nuclear plant's No. 2 reactor.