Jet engine is 10 times faster than sound speed

In an experiment jointly conducted by Australia and the United States, an ultrasound static jet engine was launched into the air at a speed of more than 10 times the speed of sound.

On June 15, US and Australian defense scientists successfully conducted a scramjet test in a remote area in Australia. This engine has reached speeds of up to 11,000 km / h (about 6,835 mph), which is 10 times faster than the speed of sound.

Picture 1 of Jet engine is 10 times faster than sound speed

The supersonic jet engine reaches a speed of 11,000 km / g after being pushed with a conventional rocket to the upper floor of the Earth's atmosphere.(Photo: CNET)

This supersonic static jet engine is a type of internal combustion engine that draws in air for supersonic aircraft that scientists hope will help aviation industry perform super-speed flights in the future.

Scientists from the Australian Ministry of Defense's Science and Technology Organization and the US Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) used rockets to launch this engine into the sky Woomera in Australia.

Ultrasonic static jet engines only work properly in high speed conditions and in thin air. Therefore, it must be launched by a conventional rocket to the upper layer of the Earth's atmosphere before it begins to work to reach the ultrasound speed.

Speaking to Reuters news agency, an Australian Defense Ministry spokesman said: "All the parameters show that the experiment was a great success and the scientists are very happy about it."

According to Steven Walker, head of research at DARPA, all flight data will be tested within the next few weeks to compare with ground tests conducted in the US.

As expected by US and Australian scientists, ultrasound static engine technology will be applied in both defense and civilian fields in the next 20 years.

Mr. Walker said: 'We are very pleased with the joint efforts of the US and Australia. We believe that a jet that can fly 10 times faster than the speed of sound will become a reality in the not too distant future. '

According to scientists, supersonic jet engines will be instrumental in carrying out super-high-speed flights in long-range missions and also as inexpensive means of launching satellites into the universe hybrid

Picture 2 of Jet engine is 10 times faster than sound speed
The ' scramjet ' engine will be used in both defense and defense
civil within 20 years. (Photo: CNET)

Minh Quang