Sound pulses surpass the speed of light

A group of high school and college teachers and students succeeded in transmitting sound pulses at a rate faster than the speed of light, at least according to what we know about the speed of light.

This result still obeys Anh Tuong's theory of relativity (Einstein). So there is no way that this study will lead to the creation of spacecraft that are faster than the speed of light. In contrast, the results of this study may boost studies to increase the speed of movement of electronic signals or other signals.

The speed of movement of light in a vacuum, referred to as constant c , is about 186,000 miles per second (299,337,984 kilometers) and it is a million times faster than the speed of sound in air. . According to Einstein's theory of relativity, matter and signal cannot move at a faster rate than the constant c.

Picture 1 of Sound pulses surpass the speed of light However, physicist William Robertson of Murfreesboro University, Tennessee along with a high school teacher, 2 college students and 2 high school students succeeded in transmitting sound pulses at a faster rate than constant number c by using a plastic water pipe and a computer sound card .

In an interview with LiveScience , Robertson said: "This experiment is clearly a scientific foundation."

The results of this experiment were published in the Journal of Applied Physics in January 2. The key to understanding the results of this experiment is that we have to imagine every sound pulse or light pulse as a set of wavelengths mixed together . This pulse rises and falls in space according to its energy and its maximum point is in the middle

In one of his own experiments, Robert Boyd of the University of Rochester used the same principles to produce light pulses moving backwards at a faster rate than the speed of light.

Robertson and his colleagues transmitted sound pulses emitted from a sound card through a loop made of PVC plumbing and through connectors from a hardware storage. This loop will split and then recombine into small electronic waves to form a pulse.

This has led to an interesting result that when we consider an impulse entering and exiting the pipe we will see before the maximum point of the impulse comes into the pipeline, the maximum point of the pulse comes out. exit the pipe.

If you add all the intensity of each wavelength to a sound pulse, the combined intensity of the sound pulse will pass the light speed constant.

Robertson said 'I believe this is the first experiment to illustrate how sound travels faster than light. Previous experiments have also demonstrated that it is possible to transmit electronic pulses and even light pulses with collective intensity exceeding the speed constant of light . "

Robertson explained that this sound effect is normal but not recognizable. He added: 'the loop filter that we used in the experiment split and then synthesized sound at two intervals of equal length. Such 'sugar separation' interference often occurs in everyday life. '

For example: 'When a sound source is placed near a wall, some sounds will reach the listener directly while some other sounds will move on the longer path to help the sound crossed the wall. Then the sound will come back to the listener's ear. ' However, we will not be able to hear this effect because the intensity of the signal and all the difference in time is very small.

No single sound wave can travel at a faster rate than the speed of light. In other words, Einstein's theory of relativity is still true. This means that no one can shout a sound that moves faster than the speed of light.

However, this study has other applications. Robertson explains that although it is not possible to send information at a faster rate than the speed of light, these techniques can help deliver signals in electrical circuits at a faster rate than before.

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