Korea develops 'fast as lightning speed train'

South Korea is planning to build high-speed trains that can carry passengers at nearly the speed of sound.

Authorities in Seoul, South Korea, hope their new super speed train can travel at more than 1,078 kilometers per hour, roughly equal to the sound speed of 1,234 kilometers per hour. The travel time in the country, the Korea Times reported on 17/1.

Picture 1 of Korea develops 'fast as lightning speed train'
Korean super-speed boat is planning to build. (Illustrated: Wordpress).

The vessel will operate inside the low pressure pipeline. If the development is successful, the ship can go twice as fast as the magnetic paddle, which is the fastest vehicle in the world today with a speed of 431km / h.

"We hope to be able to create a super-fast, light-fast ship within the modern low pressure pipeline in the near future." To that end, we will partner with institutes as well as Hanyang University to test the feasibility of many pipeline related technologies for the next three years , " the Korea Railway Institute said.

A few months ago, the Hyperloop One startup company in Los Angeles started building the world's first hyperloop transport system. The first test tube, DevLoop , was successfully installed in the desert north of Las Vegas.

Hyperloop is a high-speed train running in a long vacuum pipe on high to avoid the impact of weather and earthquakes. Operated by an electric propulsion system, the boat can reach speeds of nearly 1,200km / h, according to calculations by American billionaire Elon Musk, who first came up with the idea of the vehicle.