How to calculate the distance between people and lightning

If it is lightning, try to calculate the distance from where you are standing to the place of lightning by a simple method.

>>>Things you need to know about thunder

Picture 1 of How to calculate the distance between people and lightning
Artwork: NOAA

You only need to count the number of seconds between the process of seeing the lightning and the thunderbolt and then dividing that number by 5. The results will show how many kilometers from where you stand to the lightning. For example, after 5 seconds, the distance is about 1 mile (1.6km) and after 10 seconds the distance is 2 miles (3.2km).

This technique is called 'light-to-blast' . It helps you find safe areas when there is lightning in the rain. This method is based on the fact that light moves a lot faster than the sound in the air. Light travels at 299,800km / sec, while the speed of sound is only about 0.34km / sec, depending on the air temperature.

When converting system data, you can also apply the calculation method to multiply the number of seconds counted by the speed of sound by 0.34km / sec. At that time, you will know the distance to the lightning. After a time of three seconds, the place where lightning strikes will be 1,020m away from you.