Solution for the disease

After being visited by "natural dragons", the victim suddenly has "stars in the eyes" or the body appears many "lightning flowers" with red fern-shaped streaks .

>>> Staring in the eye after an electric shock

Lightning strikes are one of the most dangerous natural accidents for humans. In the US alone, there have been hundreds of cases of lightning strikes every year, of which dozens of people died. Some people get rid of 'lightning blades' that are capable of suffering from dementia, lack of concentration, sleep disorders, paralysis, weakness, even mutations.

However, there are those who " do not die" but only suffer from small consequences such as 'lightning flower'. So let's learn about the strange disease 'lightning flower' - another name is the Lichtenberg effect through the article below.

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From interesting findings .

We know that lightning is a phenomenon of atmospheric discharges between clouds and soil or between clouds with opposite charges. This current is in the range of tens of thousands to more than a hundred million vol.

When discharging sparks, the sparking temperature caused by lightning can reach thousands of degrees Celsius. A lightning bolt has enough energy to light a 100 watt bulb for three months.

However, in 1777, German physics professor - Georg Lichtenberg discovered an interesting phenomenon: when airborne dust clings to a charged plate, it will form electric branches of tree branches, otherwise known as are lightning flowers (Lichtenberg figures).

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Lightning flowers - Lichtenberg figures are beautiful and fancy.

Lichtenberg said that these images show the movement of the electric field, named 'Lichtenberg effect'. This effect has inspired many scientists and philosophers, because they think this is the true nature of the electric field.

When he first discovered, Lichtenberg was surprised. But after a long period of research, Lichtenberg created a system called electrophorus .

This system aims to produce electrostatic high-voltage piezoelectricity through the sensor on the surface of an insulator while recording radial pulses that occur on the surface of the material and convert it into images. From here, he discovered the basic principles of the above phenomenon which he named electrical trees .

. to strange phenomena that appear on the skin of people struck by lightning

Today, it is known that the Lichtenberg effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a high voltage electric current runs through a surface or an insulating material, creating strange and beautiful 'lightning flowers' .

According to a report in 2000 the case of a 54-year-old man struck by lightning, during the emergency test, discovered red streaks of fern-shaped flowers emerging under the skin - the lightning flower. However, "lightning flower" but does not cause pain to the victim and disappears after about 2-3 days.

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Lightning flowers also appear on human bodies.

The main characteristic of clay flowers on the skin is red, easy to identify and identify. There are many different opinions, but most think that the capillaries under the skin are broken by electric current.

In addition to clay flowers on the skin, lightning strikes also create local devastating points right on the ground, especially in the case of people being struck by lightning or playing in the grass, or on the sand, where the field is not full, Even the surrounding area like sand can turn into glass.

These "electric plants" often carry an enormous voltage, generating strange flowers before being completely decomposed, so only exist on the human body for a certain period of time.

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Another lucky case of escaping from the 'meteor' is a man named Winston Kemp in 2011, when he is trying to harvest pumpkins in the storm.

Strangely, Kemp didn't realize he was struck by lightning until the lightning flowers appeared on his arms. These spots then start to cause pain, swelling and discharge. This clay flower stains fade, but lasts for more than a month.

Not only that, flower power can also appear . in the eyes. Just recently, a 42-year-old man in California (USA) has been affected by his eyesight and limited vision after being hit by a 14,000 volt battery.

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Stars in the eyes

Four weeks after the accident, he went to see his eyes and discovered multicolored star-shaped lines formed on both sides of his eyes. According to some experts, the power source has had a serious impact on the optic nerve, but it does not explain why there are "electrical stars" in the eyeball.

The streaks of lightning on the skin do not often appear and do not cause harm (except in the case of stars in the eyes), even looks quite nice. However, most people who are struck by lightning must be very badly affected. According to statistics, about 10% of cases were struck by lightning and over 70% suffered long-term damage to the brain, even changed personality.

Today, lightning appears at higher frequencies than before. It is estimated that at least 100 lightning strikes per second on Earth and more than 70% of them occur in tropical and subtropical regions.

Some experts believe that this trend may be related to climate change, shrinking forest area, increasing population . In developed countries, the damage caused by lightning is negligible (due to the number a large number of lightning rods, but in poorer countries, lightning is really a natural disaster for humans.