Jews and Nobel Prize

It seems that, whenever discussing the genetics of genetics, it is evident that the Nobel Prize and the Jews are evident. And also, as usual, every year after announcing the prize, people ask how many percent of the year the Jews are. And in fact, this number is not small.

For example, just after the first three Nobel Prizes were announced in early October, there was immediately an article titled 'The Yiddeshe Mum can be proud: Five of the seven Nobel laureates are Jewish'. These are: Ralph Steinman and Bruce Beutler, Nobel Prize for Medicine, Saul Pelmutter and Adam G. Ross - Nobel Prize for Physics, Daniel Shechtman - Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Picture 1 of Jews and Nobel Prize
Daniel Shechtman, Israeli scientist won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

The Jewish people are one of the nations with the oldest culture and history of mankind, born along with the Egyptian civilization, Mesopotamia and ancient Greek-Roman civilization. . But history forced them to suffer an unfortunate fate, being invaded by the tribes and other lords and chasing them under religious reasons. From there they had to live exile, each group pulled together everywhere in the world to maintain their survival, to overcome the grim fate of history.

Over the past 2000 years, they have proved to be a resilient and vigorous nation, without being assimilated and consciously rising. In their work, they are diligent, persistent and determined to achieve their goals. Therefore, almost everywhere they succeed.

Their success and wisdom are sometimes biased and stigmatized. During World War II, under the Nazi regime, when Hitler promoted the theory of 'the Germans were a superior nation' , he was afraid of the Jewish superiority, forcing them to live in concentration camps, exile. They were intent on letting them die slowly in it.

Jews are particularly outstanding in the field of intelligence. They are often great scientists, brilliant entrepreneurs, outstanding writers, intellectual thinkers, talented politicians .

Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been established and has become one of the most prestigious and most prestigious awards in the planet, honoring those who have made the greatest contribution to humanity, making breakthroughs and literary works. imbued with humanity, those with meritorious deeds create a more peaceful, better world. Jews immediately became an important element of the tournament, whether they lived in different countries, bearing different nationalities or in their newly formed country not long ago was Israel.

As of 2011, the Nobel Prize has awarded 108 times (except for 4 years in World War I and II not awarded) to over 800 characters and social organizations. If you count all the prizes, at least 181 Jews (purebred, or between 1/2 and 3/4 of Jewish blood) are awarded the Nobel Prize, accounting for 22% of the figures considered intellectual goods head of mankind.

In Nobel Prizes for more than a century, the proportion of Jews who occupied Nobel Prizes in the following areas:

- Chemistry: 32 people, accounting for 21%

- Economy: 28 people, accounting for 42%

- Literature: 13 people, accounting for 12%

- Physics: 49 people, accounting for 27%

- Peace: 9 people, accounting for 8%.

It should be noted that the number of Jews on Earth is 20 million (both domestic and foreign), meaning less than 0.2% of the world population. Thus, while the world population is nearly 8 billion with more than 800 Nobel prizes, the average number of people per capita of the Jews compared to the world average is 11,950% higher. But that is just a comparison for fun, but this number is not very meaningful because there are many other conditions attached to it.

Picture 2 of Jews and Nobel Prize
The greatest scientist of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein was also Jewish American.

It is often said that the Nobel Prize in the past few decades has poured into the United States. But few have noticed, among the 'American branded Nobel prizes' , Jewish Americans make up an important part.

Please give a few numbers: The American Nobel Prize in Chemistry has 27% of Jewish descent, Nobel of Physics - 37%, Nobel of Medicine & Physiology - 42%, Nobel of Economics - 55%, Nobel Prize in Literature - 27 %, Nobel Peace is 10%. And also remember that the population of the Jewish community is only 2% of the US.

Jewish wisdom represents not only men but also women. Among the four sciences with 18 Nobel laureates, 36% are Jewish women, the rate is even higher than theirs.

If excluding the Nobel Prize, any other international award, the proportion of Jewish scientists is similar. If only one prize was said, the Fields prize, the young Jewish mathematicians were awarded 27%, the lifetime achievement award in Mathematics, they accounted for 55%.

Jewish scholars are also included in some of the 'specials' of the prize. For example, Elia Wiesel, the survivor of the Nazi concentration camp received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986. The oldest Nobel Prize winner was Jewish Jewish, Leonid Hurwicz, 2007 Nobel Prize in economics. 90. The longest-lived Nobel laureate is Rita Levi-Montalcini, the Nobel Prize in Physiology 1936 has now passed the age of 102 or a state writer forced to be denied the prize is Boris Pasternak, the Nobel Prize for literature in 1958. The scientist was voted the greatest scientist of the twentieth century - Albert Einstein - also Jewish American.