Just laugh is the refrigerator itself

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have invented an inconvenient refrigerator; Just smile, the refrigerator door will open itself.

Picture 1 of Just laugh is the refrigerator itself
The refrigerator door will be opened thanks to your smile.

This success has been posted on the Mashable technology site. The refrigerator operates under the mechanism of smile recognition and sensor. This mode of operation will help the refrigerator door automatically open if the user is standing in front of the cabinet and smiling.

In case you are sleepy or any other reason that you can not smile, then just pull the hand that the door can be opened.

Researchers at the University of Tokyo believe the refrigerator's smile recognition technology can be widely used in home appliances.

'When you smile, that happy atmosphere will make people more comfortable. We believe that, with the development of smile recognition technology, our lives will become more exciting , "said the team's representative.