Never put these foods in the refrigerator

is a popular and extremely useful electrical device. It can preserve vegetables and raw meat from rancidity. But it can also cause some foods to lose their taste and nutritional content. Here are the foods you should not store in the refrigerator:


Picture 1 of Never put these foods in the refrigerator
The refrigerator environment again dried and hardened bread.

Randy George, chairman and co-owner of Baking Red Hen in Vermont, said: "Although cold storage slows down mold and fungi, the refrigerator environment is drying and hardening bread. The best noodles are wrapped in paper bags or left outside, at room temperature, this temperature will maintain the crispness of the crust, if you want to keep the cake fresh longer, you can tie it in a plastic bag and put it in refrigerator freezer ".


Potatoes cannot withstand temperatures below 7 ° C. At refrigerator temperatures, the composition of potatoes can decompose into sugar, altering the taste of potatoes and making them harder.

Instead of putting it in the refrigerator, store the potatoes in a place with low light, medium humidity and a temperature between 4.4 and 10 o C. If you live in an area with low temperatures all year round, you can leave potatoes in the kitchen corner or the basement. The tropics should store potatoes in a wine cellar or kitchen corner, but use them within 1 to 2 weeks. When left for longer, potatoes will begin to germinate. Also, store them with paper bags.


Preserving pumpkin is quite simple. If you eat for a few days, you just need to leave it on the stove. If you want to preserve it for a long time, keep pumpkin in a place with little light and a temperature of about 10 ° C, like a kitchen corner, a stew, or even a drawer .

Pumpkin will be fresh longer when not overlapped or placed on a hard background. So, you should put the cloth or roll for this food.

Picture 2 of Never put these foods in the refrigerator
If you eat for a few days, you just need to leave it on the stove.

Pumpkin should not be left next to ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables (a hydrocarbon gas produced from fruits and vegetables), as it can cause rotten pumpkin. The fruits and vegetables are: tomatoes, onions and ripe bananas, .


Room temperature is the ideal temperature to keep the freshness and flavor of tomatoes . Ripe tomatoes can be left for 2 to 3 days in a place with little light after buying. Because of high temperatures, tomatoes are fast and rotten. Some varieties of tomatoes are specially bred to extend their shelf life, and they can last up to a week or two.

If you want to preserve longer, you can put tomatoes in the refrigerator. But before cooking, let it out for an hour before the tomato has its old flavor.

5. Action

Like potatoes, dried onions like places like kitchen shelves or kitchen corners. But contrary to the need for medium moisture, dried onions require dry, dark, and cold environments. You should avoid keeping them in plastic bags because the air flow cannot be accessed. Make sure there is enough ventilation to keep the freshness and flavor of onions.

In some cases, we can store onions in the refrigerator. For example, badly sliced ​​onions, or sweet onions and onions should be stored in a refrigerator with the lowest possible humidity.