Kind of unfamiliar love of the blue conical hat dove

Guora Cristata is a rare and precious bird, now protected by many countries. This bird has an outer appearance that looks very fancy, that shape makes them expensive. Guora Cristata is often used as a decoration for homes, gardens, pubs, .

Surprised with the unique confession style of the blue crown hat

In nature, green hat pigeons often live in rain forests, adults with bodies about 77cm long, weighing about 1.3kg. These splendid pigeons are found mainly in New Guinea and some islands around it.

Picture 1 of Kind of unfamiliar love of the blue conical hat dove

Birds resist, females look very similar, and are all very beautiful. The hairs on their heads are fan-shaped, blue. Round edges around the eyes are dark green, red eyes, black beaks, wings with white spots, a chestnut stripe in the middle, grayish legs, reddish feet, long and strong legs.

Blue-green pigeons like to live in humid wetlands or submerged areas. They are birds but most of the time during the day enjoy walking under the ground. Food is mainly fruit and nuts. They just jump on trees, or fly into trees when in danger. At night, they sleep on tall trees.

Picture 2 of Kind of unfamiliar love of the blue conical hat dove

Guora Cristata pigeons live alone, or gather in flocks of 2 to 10 members, but sometimes they merge into more members around water holes.

While flirting, males often shout loudly and have a strange confession . The male "bowes his head" to the female, while spreading out a part of the wing. The males dance on the ground, while the females run around the male.

Picture 3 of Kind of unfamiliar love of the blue conical hat dove

At first, males found what could be used as a nest to give to the female. After that, both of them went to find nesting materials to give to each other - It was very romantic! The nest of blue-green pigeons is made of leaves and trees, 4-15m above the ground.

Each pigeon lays 1 egg. Both males and females take turns roaming for 30-39 days and breeding young birds with a special liquid, called bird 's milk . Milk is released from special bags in the parents' neck. Young birds put the beak into the brood's neck, causing the milk to flow into the baby's mouth.

Picture 4 of Kind of unfamiliar love of the blue conical hat dove

When the young bird grows, the seeds and fruit are added by the parents to the baby bird's food. The young fly when it is about 30 days old. However, the parents keep raising him for weeks.

Currently, blue hat pigeons have disappeared from areas near towns and villages in New Guinea. Although protected by law, they are still hunted by people because they have beautiful fur with a unique crest and for another reason: Meat is too good. From the mid-1850s, the blue hat-pigeons were successfully bred in captivity.