Finding a mate can be a hard work, the giant night cricket Cook Strait, Deinacrida rugosa, is a living testament to that.

In most birds, only males sing, females are losing this ability. Recent published scientific studies indicate the root of this mystery.

Scientists encountered a homosexual case in the terns, when three males repeatedly tried to mate with corpses on the side of the road.

Guora Cristata is a rare and precious bird, now protected by many countries. This bird has an outer appearance that looks very fancy, that shape makes them expensive. Guora

Australian scientists have discovered that weedy seadragon has unique signs and males often gather in individual groups.

Learn about the sex life of South African Titer bird in the southern hemisphere desert, researchers at the University of Burgandy in France discovered that the most brilliant male

In the Blue Bird world, smart drums are more likely to find partners than other guys.

Female spiders are greedy predators, they eat a lot of prey, sometimes even their spouses.

For Charles Darwin, the public tail made him extremely uncomfortable.