Beautiful birds quickly exhausted during sexual activity

Learn about the sex life of South African Titer bird in the southern hemisphere desert, researchers at the University of Burgandy in France discovered that the most brilliant male (longest living) will have quality Highest sperm count.

However, each year it takes about 6 months to seduce females, leading to their rapid decline in sexual health.

Picture 1 of Beautiful birds quickly exhausted during sexual activity
Males are setting up feathers in the chest to seduce females (Photo: Livescience)

Each time he lures and mates with the female, the male takes about 18 hours a day, and consumes about 10% of the energy during mating season.

While the older males age, the ratio of normal sperm is higher, up to 85%, and the beautiful, colorful males start to decline earlier. If a male at age 15 mates 30 days a year, the ratio of normal sperm is 79%, while mating 180 days (equivalent to 6 months), that ratio can only be 73%.

Research may indicate that one of the causes of aging in biological development is reproduction , said researcher Brian Preston.