The syndrome is sad after sex in men

Men may experience 'sadness after sex', leading to feelings of sadness, tears or irritability.

This is the result of research conducted by master team Joel Maczkowiack, Professor Robert Schweitzer, School of Psychology, QUT Consulting, USA. The study has just been published in an international journal on sexual therapy and marriage.

41% of participants reported having experienced "sadness after sex" syndrome . 20% of them experienced 4 weeks before being asked and 4% felt regular, according to Science Daily.

Picture 1 of The syndrome is sad after sex in men
Sexual experiences in men are different and more complicated than previously thought.

According to master Maczkowiack, survey participants described the feeling of emotion and did not want to be left alone. More severe, they feel dissatisfied, uncomfortable and very restless or want to get out of sex.

Professor Schweitzer said the results show that the experience in men is much different and more complex than previously thought. It has implications for future therapies and shows a more open view of sexual experience in men.

Research in women also shows a "sadness after sex" rate with the same level. The reason is surmised in biological and psychological factors .

Professor Schweitzer said in Western culture in particular, men face many expectations and assumptions about hobbies, performance, and experience in sex. This situation has the potential to affect sexual activity, cause discomfort for one or both, causing conflict, destroying relationships.

The solution given is the interaction of two partners after sexual activity . Both need to talk, kiss and cuddle to increase satisfaction, improve relationships. Couples have positive feelings, contentment and relaxation right after "consensus sexual activity".