Guys who drink about a liter of cola a day can be detrimental to their father's ability to make a father, a Danish study has just revealed.

A recent study has shown that high-fiber foods can affect a woman's fertility.

Like home pregnancy testing devices, sperm test kits will soon be available in Europe, after being approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

A recent study by American scientists has discovered a chemical molecule - called Hv1 - capable of controlling the speed of sperm movement.

On average, at the age of 30, the ovaries of women are only 12% (equal to an eighth) compared to when they were born.

Depression, low libido, can not concentrate? Like thousands of other men, you may have had a bad disease that even many doctors have never heard of.

Birth preparation courses such as breathing techniques, relaxation and massage do not help women when

The high rates of morning sickness may be reassuring to know that nausea during pregnancy is a sign that your baby will have a high IQ, according to a study in the UK.

Couples living in the tropics are more likely to give birth to girls than families in temperate regions like Europe.

Bisphenol-A, a controversial chemical used to harden the packaging for many foods and drinks that can affect human fertility.