New hope for men with weak sperm

A recent study by American scientists has discovered a chemical molecule - called Hv1 - capable of controlling the speed of sperm movement. This breakthrough discovery opens up prospects in developing an effective contraceptive method for men and treating male infertility.

Picture 1 of New hope for men with weak sperm

Scientists have discovered a chemical that not only activates the movement of sperm, but also has the ability to control their movement speed during fertilization with eggs.

The speed of movement of the coincidence greatly affects the ability to conceive because if the sperms move too quickly, they will become exhausted when they meet the egg. Conversely, if the sperm moves too slowly, they will miss the chance to "marry" with the egg.

Dr Yuriy Kirichok, of the University of California (USA) and head of the study, said: 'We have discovered molecules that activate and control the speed of sperm movement. This can help us develop a new method of contraception by preventing sperm activity. In addition, we can also influence these chemical molecules to increase the rate of sperm movement in physiological weak men to increase conception rates. '

Previously, scientists had learned that the speed of spermatozoa tail movement depends on the concentration of pH or acid in their body. The lower the acid concentration, the faster the sperm move. Meanwhile, the concentration of pH or acid in the sperm body is controlled by a chemical molecule called Hv1.

Therefore, by manipulating the Hv1 molecule, scientists can easily control the movement speed of the sperm according to the desired purpose.

"With the new findings from this study, we can develop an effective contraceptive method for men in the near future. Besides, this new finding also helps find treatments. For men with reproductive problems due to weak or inactive sperm , 'said Allan Pacey, a male expert at Sheffield University.