Discovered when men were most physiologically weak during the year

UK researchers recently pointed out that summer is the time when sperm is the most degraded.

A recent study by scientists at the University of Sheffield (UK) and Manchester University (UK) has shown the most "physiological" point of sperm. That is the period between June and August.

Accordingly, during this period, the sperm of the males are twice as likely to be deformed or "slow" compared to other times. This will reduce couples' ability to conceive.

To draw this conclusion, researchers from Manchester University and Sheffield University conducted a test with 2,249 men from 14 reproductive health clinics across the UK. These people will have to answer the questionnaire detailing their health history as well as their lifestyle.

Picture 1 of Discovered when men were most physiologically weak during the year

The results show that men who have regular sex in the summer have 4% less sperm than others. Experts say that the increase in temperature itself, along with the wearing of tight underwear, is the cause of decreased sperm quality.

However, experts also predict that lack of daylight and vitamin D also contribute to decreased sperm count. The underlying cause makes the sperm more slow and deformed, not healthy enough to "meet" eggs because of male smoking marijuana . People who smoke marijuana 3 months before sperm sampling are usually in the group with very few normal sperm.

Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield, said: "We have found that smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, being overweight or wearing tight underwear can damage sperm. However, rising temperatures and smoking marijuana will double the risk of sperm deforming, swimming slower. This will reduce couples' ability to conceive. "

Dr. Andrew Povey of the Department of Population Health at Manchester University added: "This study was done based on our research two years before considering the factor, the risk associated with the amount of sperm swimming in each result of ejaculation in men, this result confirms that the lifestyle and changes in environmental temperature will also significantly affect sperm quality ".